Part 5: To The Batcave

The cavern under Fountain Head is full of Goblins and Vampire Bats. Goblins we've seen already; Vampire Bats are the weakest enemies in the game, with only 5 HP, but they're fast enough that they usually act first in combat, and their attacks can inflict poison. It's best to attack them from afar with bows.

Some barrels contain treasure, either in the form of gold or items.

Others just inflict damage and/or poison on whoever searches them.

And a precious few permanently increase a character's statistics.

There's one +5 boost for every statistic down here, except Endurance, which has multiple +5 boosts. It's a good idea to spread stat boosts evenly around the party, since it takes more stat points to get the same bonus once you get a stat above 21. Of course, you have to balance that with giving boosts to the characters who can actually make the best use of those stats.

There are a few of these statues at various places in the cavern. Each one teaches a secondary skill: Spot Secret Doors, Direction Sense, Danger Sense and Swimming. The first three are nice to have on at least one character in the party, and it's important to get Swimming for everybody as soon as you can.

That's right, there's one barrel in the dungeon that just straight-up insta-kills whoever opens it. Have I mentioned yet that it's important to save often?

Welcome to the wonderful world of swinging blade traps. Step into one and the whole party takes 5 damage. Some of them can be avoided if you have the Jump spell. When they're at corners, or there are several of them in a row, no such luck.

Despite the intimidating name, the Rat Overlord is basically just a big Moose Rat. It has 250 HP and twice as many attacks as a regular one, but if you were able to fight your way here in the first place, this should be a simple battle of attrition.

Of course, "simple" doesn't always mean "easy".
But the important thing is that the party won. Time to see what's in that chest behind the grate!

Rescuing Morphose nets us 2500 gold and a bunch of items. Most are junk, but the Crystal Cameo gives +1 to AC and the Sonic Short Sword does 5 points of bonus energy damage with every hit and also raises energy resistance.

Now that the curse on the fountains has been lifted, throwing coins in them actually does something.

"Seek the sister of the waters blue, near the southwest corner true. Bring her shells from the Great Sea's depths, and greatly shall she aid your quests."
"Take the twisting horn of gold, to the central meadow. Find the unique steed of old, and relieve its dying sorrow."
"Six brothers settled in the land, with names arranged in certain course. One then vanished from the band, and left the others in remorse."
"Ancient items of evil and good, and neutrality, too, were concealed. Search the sands, mountains and woods, for their value will soon be revealed."
"Two wizards locked in mortal strife, destroyed each others' keep. Now bound in life that isn't life, they seek the peaceful sleep."
"Powerful orbs hold the key, for ultimate rule of the land. Deliver them to the kings of three, to strengthen their command."

This does what it says on the tin: drop, say, 1000 gold in and one character will be rewarded with 1000 experience points. The trouble with this is that gold is generally in shorter supply than experience.

Note that Sails has now levelled up high enough that she has two attacks per round. She can still only target a single enemy with an attack, but she'll automatically attack it twice, potentially doing twice as much damage. Characters will accumulate absurd numbers of attacks by high levels: the rate at which they gain them is determined by their class.

We'll be switching back to the good party for the next update. Should they do some spelunking in Baywatch's cavern, would you rather have them keep exploring outdoors, or will they seek an audience with the king at Castle Whiteshield? Vote now!