Part 9: A Very Spooky Episode
it's still Hallowe'en in some time zones isn't it

Hey, did I mention already that this game has something of a grudge against its players? Plasmoids do fairly minor acid damage with their attacks, but their gimmick is that if you hit them in melee, the weapon you used is likely to break. Broken weapons are nearly useless until you go to a blacksmith and pay to have them repaired, so when fighting Plasmoids it's much better to use arrows and magic.

This dungeon's main puzzle involves a whole bunch of levers scattered throughout it. Some are stuck in place, while others can be pulled exactly once before becoming stuck in place.

Meet the second type of wandering monster in this dungeon: Carnage Hands. They have very high Armour Class, making them hard to hit even if you didn't already break all your weapons on the Plasmoids, and are highly resistant to all magic. Fortunately, they don't have many HP, so one or two lucky Fireballs can wipe them out.

Unfortunately, in the time it takes to get those one or two lucky Fireballs to land, the hand is hitting you for 60-120 physical damage. Our best fighters right now have a little over 100 HP. We are perhaps slightly underlevelled for this dungeon.

Mummies have a whopping 250 HP and two powerful disease-inflicting melee attacks per round, and will specifically target any Druids in the party until they're unconscious or dead. The way to deal with them is to stack the best possible armour and defensive buffs on your druid (if, in defiance of all common sense, you have a druid at all) and blast the mummy with fireballs until it stops moving.

Even so, the fight doesn't exactly go smoothly, but at least they drop plenty of treasure.

All the coffins in this dungeon are locked and trapped, but it's worth opening them, because there's a shitload of decent-quality random treasure inside, plus a couple of very special items...

Ancient Artifacts of each alignment are found in dungeons all throughout Terra, and can be turned in at the castles of their respective alignments in exchange for fabulous prizes, and by "fabulous prizes" I mean "a decent experience point award". (Oh yeah, spoiler that should surprise nobody: in addition to Castle Whiteshield, there are castles representing neutrality and evil, too.)

Pro tip: don't walk into a square full of lightning bolts.

One quick trip back to town later...

(Bonus: even more hilarious diseased-character faces!)

While in town, I take the time to fix everyone's weapons and armour, and to buy some extra stuff that showed up in the blacksmith's inventory. Druids have a very limited armour selection and can't use shields, so in an effort to boost Flowers' AC a little so that it takes him marginally longer to get eaten alive by mummies, I've bought him a silver coin to hold in his left hand. It has zero base armour class, so it's worse than an actual shield, but it still provides the AC bonus of the material it's made from.

Fighting three mummies at a time is no joke at the party's current level, and it took a couple of reloads to survive. Fortunately, it's possible to rest and recover everyone's HP and SP even in a dungeon, as long as you have enough food and there aren't monsters actively chasing the party. Unfortunately, the party's clerics are going to be constantly recasting Suppress Disease to prevent all this resting from draining the party's stats into oblivion.

The messages on the walls in this dungeon give hints to its puzzle: each lever changes the configuration of the big central room where half the party died before, replacing a lightning field with a stone head or vice versa. Another message tells us that there are sixteen levers in total. Also, cryptically, there's a message informing us that "the Eyemaster lives beyond the Blink of Destruction".

The Precious Pearl of Youth and Beauty is a quest item for a quest that we haven't seen yet. Get used to this: M&M3 doesn't enforce or even encourage playing through in any kind of logical order.

Baywatch's inn sells food that lasts a little longer than Fountain Head's; it's a lot more expensive, relatively speaking, but in absolute terms 50 gold still isn't much at this point.

Since the party has amassed a few thousand gems at this point, I also take the time to duck back outdoors and get this stone head's treasure...

... which is 10,000 gold plus some good-quality random items. Cameos and medals are nice because each party member can equip up to 5 of them, so you can use them to really load up on AC, stat bonuses or elemental resistances. These two are going straight to Flowers at least until we're done with the Fortress of Fear.

While we're out here, let's also do some pre-battle buffing. Here's that fountain that gives +20 experience levels to the entire party for a day, making their melee attacks and level-based spells far more effective and increasing their maximum hit points and spell points. I also drop by the stat-boosting, AC-boosting, HP-boosting and SP-boosting fountains.

Oh, hey, here's another thing in the outdoors that I haven't been able to show off.

For druids, and only druids, this stone head just southeast of Fountain Head permanently raises all stats by 10 in exchange for 1000 gems. This can be repeated until each stat is at 25 or higher, at which point it no longer provides any benefit. This, plus teaching them Fireball or Lightning Bolt to give them a decent attack spell, actually makes druids a powerful character class early on. Flowers now has more HP and SP than Calgon, a slightly better weapon and armour selection, better combat skills, equally powerful attack magic, access to basic healing magic, and incredible early-game stats. Don't get too excited, he'll start sucking again soon enough.

I also teach Flowers the Astrology skill, which gives bonus spell points to Druids and Rangers. Not that he really needs them right now.

And, for good measure, I buy everyone a blessing by donating a few times at Baywatch's temple, because why the hell not. Now that we're as prepared as we can possibly be, time to head back to the Fortress of Fear for that boss fight.

Upon entering the middle of the central room with the heads set up correctly, the party is instantly teleported right in front of the Mummy King. He's actually not that tough: just a regular mummy with twice as many HP and an extra attack.

The battle lasts one round. We may have over-prepared a bit.

The random items in the Mummy King's coffin aren't bad, either, especially that Ruby Flamberge. Ruby is the fifth-best material in the entire game, and the Flamberge is the strongest weapon type. Sails and Minty can both make good use of this, but I'll probably be giving it to Blind Eagle between updates, since it's a two-handed weapon and Archers can't use shields anyway.

If we hadn't done this, and didn't have access to any other means of escape such as a Teleport spell, we'd be stuck. Fortunately, the game is at least a little forgiving: there's a menu option to call upon Mr. Wizard for help. (Yes, Mr. Wizard. Look, just roll with it, okay?) This instantly returns the party to Fountain Head, at the cost of one level of experience from everyone who's above level 1. But once you have Lloyd's Beacon, there really shouldn't ever be any need to do this.

Well, that's another dungeon over and done with, which means we'll be switching back to the good party next time. Should they continue exploring the outdoors to the south or tackle a dungeon of their own? The choice is yours!