Part 30: Notes from Underground

As you probably don't remember from Update 6, the four warriors' names in the order we're supposed to put them in are JODELLE, LEADBEST, ASTRIEL and TESHY.

Whiteshield Dungeon is another one of those gimmicky dungeons that likes to put blade traps in front of doors and secret passages, unavoidably damaging the party. The doors themselves have some pretty powerful traps on them, too, and Cyrus' Thievery skill is still low enough that he occasionally sets them off.

As we continue on through the dungeon and find more corpses, we get more of this little poem doled out to us one line at a time. I'll transcribe it all in one place for your reading convenience.

This Divine Elixir instantly grants a whopping +5 levels to the drinker. It's right near the entrance to the dungeon and protected only by a couple of secret passages, so it's a very nice reward just for solving the riddle to get in here.

Deeper into the dungeon, the party starts to run into imprisoned monsters including Evil Rangers (which are a joke) and Major Demons (which are slightly less of a joke, and would be a nasty surprise for a low-level party). They still can't reliably hit the party and they die in a couple of attacks, so even in groups they're not too hard to deal with.

This batch of elixir gives one character a permanent +20% bonus to all resistances. Make sure you go to the Blistering Heights cavern and get the permanent resistance bonuses from there before drinking it, since the boosts in the cavern only work if your initial resistances are below a certain level.

The Major Devil is the closest thing to a boss this dungeon has. While it's no stronger than the one back in Blistering Heights Cavern, it actually manages to hit Calgon and knock him unconscious, breaking his armour. Of course, it doesn't get to do much else before we unceremoniously beat it to death.

And in the final cell of the dungeon, our reward for getting this far is two cups of Divine Elixir, each one worth +10 to all stats.

The stat-boosting elixir is probably best given to a hybrid character like a Ranger, Archer or Paladin, who can make use of all their stats. You might also consider giving it to a Druid, since they rely on both Intellect and Personality for spell points, but keep in mind that I said to give it to somebody who can make use of their stats.

Opening the non-sealed chests around the outer halls of Castle Whiteshield sets off an alarm and summons some Castle Guards (just like the ones from Castle Blood Reign, and just as weak).

The chests actually have half-decent amounts of gold in them, along with some forgettable mid-tier items.

Triggering the alarm also causes all the doors in the castle to slam shut. Good thing we have Cyrus around to unlock them!
Interestingly, at around this point the game also stopped crashing every five or six steps I took inside Castle Whiteshield. Apparently, keeping all those guards and doors hidden until now was just too much stress for the poor program to take, and now that it's been relieved of that burden it's working fine. Or something.

You may remember Black Knights from Cursed Cold Cavern. Now that all of our armour isn't cursed and useless, they present no real threat.

Messing around with the chests in King Zealot's throne room would open the grates outside the room and send the Black Knights after us, if we hadn't already bashed down the grates and killed the knights on our own initiative.

By casting Wizard Eye to bring up a minimap of the surroundings, we can see an empty space northeast of the throne room and a similar empty space to the southeast. If we stand in the right places, we can cast Teleport to reach either of them.

Even for our overlevelled party, Wizards are pretty legitimately frightening. They have 80 speed, allowing them to go before everyone except Sails and The Raven, and attack a single character for 1000 points of magical damage. That's right, they basically cast Implosion on us, and it can do enough damage to kill Calgon outright from full health if he's unlucky. Fortunately, Sails is strong enough to one-shot them, provided we can close to melee range without getting imploded to death. They drop 15,000 gold and 200 gems when killed, so they're worth the effort.
On another note, people who have read my first two Might & Magic LPs might notice a suspicious similarity between the Wizard's face and a certain character portrait from World of Xeen. His face is also completely different in the DOS version of the game, which makes me wonder if their faces aren't stylised pictures of some of the game developers or something.

In the hidden room to the southeast we find another Wizard, and more importantly, the last statue we need to solve this castle's puzzle.

Searching the cauldrons in Castle Dragontooth's dungeon does 50 magical damage to the searcher, but also reveals messages.

In addition to cauldrons, there are these floor safes around the outside of the dungeon. Some of them can be opened, revealing 10,000 gold or so.

Others are just illusions, and can't be usefully interacted with. Attempting to open them will cause a Ghost to appear somewhere else in the dungeon.

The corridors are patrolled by Wicked Witches, who can still curse the party's equipment and are still massively annoying as a result.

Going deeper into the dungeon, we start running into Ghosts and floor traps. The former are best dealt with using Energy Blast or other attack magic; the latter we can either Jump over where possible or else just endure.

There are some Spirit Shields in the dungeon too, and they're still as little of a threat as ever.

At the very centre of the dungeon, guarded by a large group of Wicked Witches, we can find a room with four cauldrons containing Ale of Advancement, Elixir of Endurance, Potion of Personality and Tea of Intelligence. The first one gives +5 levels, and the other three permanently raise their respective statistic by 50.
There's a catch, though: each brew causes 10 years of temporary aging, and permanently changes the drinker's alignment to Evil (if it wasn't already). Of course, since we've already raised the fountain of youth and alignment has almost no in-game effect, this isn't really a big deal.

King Malefactor's chests contain a total of 5 million gold, 5000 gems and several top-tier items. Not bad at all.

Opening either of King Malefactor's chests summons wizards. Lots of wizards. While we deal with one of them, the rest try to line up and zap us. It takes some fancy footwork to minimise the number of them blasting us at once, and even then we take loads of damage.

We're not doing badly for ourselves at this point, as far as money's concerned. Kings are rich: who'da thunk it?

And since it was almost day 99 by the time I was finished with both castles, I took the liberty of collecting and turning in another Sea Shell of Serenity for bonus experience. Really I'm just including this screenshot to show off some more of Lord Bruno and The Raven's facial expressions.

Once again, and for very nearly the last time, it's time to switch our perspective back to the good party. Should they finally pacify the restless spirits of Greywind and Blackwind, or do one last bit of outdoor exploration among the molten valleys of the Isle of Fire? Vote now!