Part 32: Aggressive Herpetology

Dragon Cavern is located in the mountains to the east of Castle Dragontooth, logically enough. After this update, it's just going to be called Cavern.
Because all the dragons will be gone, see.
Because we'll have killed them.

As you might expect, dragons use lots of elemental attacks, so we really want this resistance boost active at all times. We'll also want to cast the Protection from Cold and Protection from Acid buffs.
Lloyd's Beacon is disabled inside the cavern itself, making it a bit of a pain to get back here quickly, but we can always hoof it back to the cave entrance when we need to recharge our buffs after resting.

We saw some of these guys in Blood Reign Dungeon. If you're not at the point where you can one-shot Draconis then you may as well just turn back now, because every single other thing in this cavern will eat you alive.

At the cost of taking some poison damage (easily mitigated by our protection spells), searching the dragon dung nets us some gems. There's a lot of dragon dung in the cavern, so those gems add up surprisingly fast.

Green Dragons are the main enemy we'll be fighting for the rest of this cavern. They breathe cold on the party for 250 damage, which hurts quite a lot even with all the resistance boosts on the party, so we want to kill them quickly. They have 60 speed, making them faster than everyone except Sails and The Raven. At her current level, Sails can usually one-shot them if she's buffed with Holy Bonus to increase her damage output.

When killed, they're a good source of gold and an excellent source of gems.

There's loads of treasure just lying around the cave, too, there for the taking -- I mean, provided you can get past the dragons to reach it. There are major treasure troves like this one, with several top-tier items, and minor ones, which only have 50,000 gold, 500 gems and high-tier items.

The cavern starts to get a little tricky as we go deeper in, hiding dragons behind false walls or at the end of corridors so that they have a chance to breathe on the party before we close to melee. The walls themselves are pretty tough too, taking a few attempts to bash down even with Sails and Cyrus' high Might. It's probably easier to just teleport past them.

There are three treasure rooms like this, all pointed to by similar directions on the walls. In total, there's something like 9 million gold hidden in the rooms, reachable only by teleportation.

The Dragon Lord is the single strongest monster in the entire game. He can inflict a massive 1000 Energy damage to the entire party, is almost completely immune to magic and has 150 Speed, so he acts before anyone in the party. At least he doesn't inflict any disabling status effects or anything, if you don't count "potentially one-shotting anyone in the party through sheer damage" as a disabling status effect. Good thing we got that resistance boost from the Isle of Fire!

You'd think 107% Energy resistance would mean we could ignore the Dragon Lord's attacks, but unfortunately resistance doesn't work that way: the party has a very high chance to take reduced damage, but some damage will usually still slip through. I've cast Heroism and Holy Bonus on the party's four best melee fighters to maximise their damage output. With the help of all those buffs, hopefully we can kill the Dragon Lord before it kills the party.

It takes a couple of attempts, but the party manages to achieve victory after several hard-fought rounds of combat. In hindsight it might have been a better idea to cast fewer buffs and save some spell points for Divine Intervention instead.

In the treasure trove behind the Dragon Lord is a cool five million gold and some insanely huge number of random top-tier items, like 12 or so.

Unfortunately, most of this stuff is just going to get sold. Both parties are so well-equipped at this point that there aren't many things that can make them more powerful than they already are.

There's a total of four Ultimate Power Orbs in the cavern, the last of which is in the Dragon Lord's chambers. You don't have to kill him to get it (or to take his treasure, for that matter), but it'd take some fancy footwork to get in and out without a fight.

Between looting the kings' treasuries and the dragons' hoards, the party's bank balance is looking very healthy right now. I'll be putting all the gold and gems to use pretty soon.

Countdown to the start of the endgame: two more updates! Get ready!