Part 4: Out of Their Mines
Update 2: Out of Their Mines

The well now lives up to its name, fully restoring HP. It's usually not going to be any more convenient than just resting, but I guess it's useful if you don't want to bother recasting buffs.

There are various fountains scattered around Xeen, providing a range of beneficial effects. Like other buffs, most boosts from fountains last until the party rests or 5 a.m. the next day.

Xeen is flat and roughly rectangular in shape; the Darkside of Xeen is literally the underside of the world. The game will not actually let us step off the edge -- it's not quite that cruel.

And just like that, we've picked up a sidequest. It'd be handy to have a few antidote potions for the Dwarven Mines, but we'll get by without them.

The area between Vertigo and the Dwarven Mines is infested with Orcs. The hintbook says that Orcs will preferentially attack Elves before other characters, but this doesn't seem to be the case: Vandesloof got hit once or twice, but so did most other characters. Orcs hit one character per round for 1-10 physical damage, can attack from long range and are tough enough to survive a couple of hits, making them considerably more threatening than anything we fought in Vertigo. Of course, "more threatening" is a relative term, and with the experience and loot from clearing out Vertigo they shouldn't present a serious threat.
Also, gonna quote another part of the hintbook entry on them just for comedy value: "When the Ancients were passing out abilities, the Orcs were last in line and got none."

These pyramids are scattered around Xeen in various more or less convenient places, and serve as portals between Cloudside and Darkside. As such, we won't be using them for a long, long time.

This fountain, just off the main road out of Vertigo, grants bonus HP to whoever drinks from it, even above their normal maximum HP. HP bonuses like this will stick around until you rest or take damage.

The Dwarven Mines are presented by the game as a newbie dungeon -- after all, you're directed there after completing the first quest in the first town -- but they can actually be deceptively difficult for a beginner party. Still, you voted for them, so here we are. Let's turn on the lights and see what we're dealing with.

Giant Bats are the weakest enemies in the mines: they're fast, but have a relatively weak attack and are likely to die in one hit.

As we continue on in the game, we'll sometimes find containers that have a minimum stat requirement to open. This crate requires 21 Might, which means Fubar is almost but not quite there.

Stat boosts are colour-coded in this game: red means Might, and there are other coloured barrels scattered around the mines that give one-off permanent bonuses to other stats as well. This is just a small taste of things to come.

With Fubar's newly-boosted Might, he can bust open the sealed crate and find out that it's empty anyway.

Some of the other crates do have random items in them, so the Might boost did come in handy after all (quite apart from its usefulness in combat, of course).

Pretty much all chests in Xeen are locked, and need to be opened by a thief. The rewards are more than worth it.

The manual claims that Mad Dwarves will preferentially target dwarven party members, which could actually work to your advantage if you have one dwarf and stack all the party's best armour on them so they can't be hit. Since we don't have any dwarves, they'll attack at random. They have a little more HP than Orcs and attack twice a round for fairly minor physical damage.

There are floor traps in the mines that do around 15-20 acid/poison damage to the party and also have a small chance to inflict Poison on everyone. Poison lowers stats and gets worse over time, but can be kept under control by repeated casting of Suppress Poison spells. It's important to keep Protection from Acid active in the mines to minimise damage taken, although the party can be poisoned even if they take no damage from the trap itself.

A wall with a corridor immediately behind it usually means a secret passage. The party can bash these down just like doors in order to proceed.

Webs don't hurt or impede the party in any way, but they can be a little hard to see through, so you may not notice the spiders on the other side until they're upon you. Giant spiders have low HP and damage output, but can poison characters if they hit. Shoot at them from a safe distance if you see them.

The mine is full of gold veins, which generally get richer as you go deeper in: you can mine a vein multiple times, getting less gold each time until it finally runs out. There's also a 10% chance of a cave-in whenever you try to mine, which will damage the entire party -- you should reload your last saved game if this happens, not just because of the damage but because it means you'll get less gold out of the vein.

Just like how some of the crates in Vertigo were full of Doom Bugs, searching rubble can disturb Giant Spiders. This can be annoying since you won't have a chance to wear them down from range, but at least they're worth some experience.

Insect Spray deals with groups of spiders pretty handily, doing enough damage to one-shot them if it hits. A Sorcerer or Archer with at least 20 Speed can wipe them out before they get a chance to act.

By entering codes into the minecart/elevator/whatever this thing is that we're looking at, it'll transport us to different parts of the mines. (The mirror portal in Vertigo will also accept mine codes, although non-mine-related portal codes won't work on the minecart.) The mine immediately west of Vertigo, which we've just finished exploring, is Mine 1, so let's try Mine 2.

If we exit to the surface, we can see that we've crossed over to the other side of the mountain range. Each of the five numbered mines has its own exit in a different but nearby location. It's a bit dangerous to explore too far north of here, and we've got a job to do anyway, so let's pop back into the mine for now.

Some of the rubble in this mine contains gems, although the character who finds them will be poisoned. We don't exactly start out with a huge stash of gems, so the prize is worth the pain.

Tiger Moles are among the most dangerous enemies in the mines. They hit twice per round for a hefty 2-24 physical damage and have more than respectable HP and AC. Two or three decent hits from them can take out most party members at the moment.

To make matters worse, a bunch of them can sometimes pop out when the party opens a crate. When this happens, we want to pull out all the stops and start blasting away with multi-target attack spells from everyone who has them.

And make sure to stay healed up. If everyone in the party is knocked unconscious...

Welcome to the game-over sequence. Lord Xeen laughs at us and we're kicked back to the title screen.
Okay, let's forget that ever happened and try again, a little more carefully this time.

Even with good strategy, it can be a tough fight.

Whenever a character is damaged to -10 HP or less, even if they survive, all the armour they're wearing will be broken. Broken armour is useless and can only be repaired by running back to a blacksmith and paying a fraction of the item's cost, so this is best avoided.

Mine 3 has a skeleton that will grant the Danger Sense skill to anyone who searches it, in case you're playing without a Gnome.

Mine 4 is partially flooded, and there are a couple of treasures we can't access without the Swimming skill on our entire party. I guess I could go back to the inn and kick everyone except Ms Swallow and Anleisa out of the party, but instead I'll come back for them later. For now, we can explore enough of the mine to get the fourth clue.

In Mine 5 a skeleton grants the Direction Sense skill, in case you were sensible enough to avoid having a Druid in your party.

Here we are in Deep Mine Alpha. The deep mines are laid out a bit differently from the numbered mines, with long branching corridors instead of relatively tight sets of interconnected rooms.

Down here in the deep mines we start to run into Clan Sergeants, which are basically just tougher versions of Mad Dwarves, with more HP and stronger attacks. Overall, I'd say they're less threatening than Tiger Moles: they have more health but their attacks are weaker.

They also carry some rather nice treasure. This turned out to be a Mystic Plate Armour, which provides a small bonus to magic resistance -- that'll come in handy quite soon.

The deep mines don't have the stat-boosting barrels that the numbered mines did, but what they do have is huge amounts of gold.

By the way, the game keeps track of useful information like fountain locations and passwords for you. It's a handy feature.

Deep Mine Theta is even more generous with gold than Alpha: hauls like this will become practically commonplace as we go deeper.

Deep Mine Kappa contains spiders. Lots of spiders. These ones are behind a secret passage, but they're not protecting any particular treasure; they're just there to annoy you.

Behind the three sergeants is the final minecart code, just in case you hadn't guessed it already.

Having any of your stats reduced to 0 can cause you to randomly die whenever the game checks up on you and decides that you shouldn't be alive. In particular, you probably will die if you try to rest in this state. This is the problem with relying on Suppress Poison: you have to keep an eye on your stats constantly, because they will creep down over time.

And here we are. For the record, Alpha, Theta, Kappa and Omega are the only deep mines: you can't find any secret bonus mines by entering Greek letters into the minecart at random.

In addition to lots more of the monsters we've seen before, the final deep mine throws some new combinations of dirty tricks at us, like putting poison traps in front of secret passages. We step on the trap, take damage, bash the wall down, and since we stayed on the space for a turn we take damage from the trap again.

And it's time for our first boss fight (no, the Breeder Slimes don't count). The Clan King has twice the HP of his sergeant allies, and can attack the whole party at once for moderate magical damage with a chance to inflict Sleep. He's one tough customer.

Items that cast multi-target damage spells can be helpful in this fight, especially if your melee characters are having trouble hitting with physical attacks. Keep in mind that all the enemy dwarves have a 50% resistance to elemental attacks, so spells that do physical damage like Pain and Shrapmetal are best.

Spellcasters should cast Awaken whenever there's more than one sleeping party member. Whenever nobody is asleep, Sorcerers should be casting Shrapmetal, while Clerics cast Pain or Cure Wounds (although you won't be able to heal the whole party fast enough to keep up with the king's damage output).

Eventually, you'll start to wear them down. It's a battle of attrition and hopefully you're on the winning side.

Not exactly a perfect result, but considering how many attempts it took, I'll take it. After the first couple of failures I really should have just run to the temple back in Vertigo and donated for some buffs to make this fight much easier, but I'm stubborn.

The Clan King dropped two rather nice weapons. The wakizashi has so-so base damage, but also inflicts a modest amount of bonus ice damage and does triple damage to animals. I replace Ms Swallow's katana with it: it'll come in very handy soon enough. The iron staff has a small bonus to hit chance and damage compared to a regular staff, and will make a fine weapon for Vandesloof once he's brought back from the dead.

The thing about enemies that attack the whole party at once is that they don't stop hitting you once you're unconscious, so this kind of thing can easily happen. It's curable, but it's still an inconvenience.

Unfortunately, all the items from the king's chest are low-quality Brass and Bronze weapons, which have a bonus to hit but a penalty to damage. The gold and gems are nice, though.

Our equipment really took a beating from that fight. Luckily, fixing broken gear has been made a lot cheaper than it was in Might & Magic III, so it doesn't cost us too much.

Broken equipment still sells for the same price as if it were unbroken, so if you have two pieces of the exact same armour, one broken and one not, just wear the unbroken one and sell the broken one.

In Xeen, a week is ten days and a year is 100 days. The game begins on the first day of the year 610, and time marches on inexorably from there. Travelling and resting both take time, of course, but shopping and training take up significant amounts of time too. A typical game can take quite a few in-game years to complete.

We just completed a pretty major dungeon and lived to tell the tale (if with the help of a little revival magic in some cases). Should the party immediately plunge into another one by taking on the Witches of Toad Meadow, or first do some outdoor exploration while trying to rescue Celia from the zombies? It's up to you, so make your decision and vote!