Part 6: The Ghoul of His Dreams
Update 3: The Ghoul of His Dreams

And just like that, we've picked up a new skill. While Rialdo claims to charge 2,500 gold per character, the game actually only deducts 2000 gold. Remember, you need two Pathfinders to enter forests, so don't waste your money on the skill until you've got enough for both.

The Fountain of Ability, in a clearing near the southern edge of the Forest of the Walking Dead, gives a temporary +5 experience levels to anyone who drinks from it. This improves everything that depends on level, including maximum HP and SP, number of attacks per round, and the power of level-dependent spells. However, it doesn't increase your current HP or SP, so you may want to find other fountains to fill up on those afterwards.

Zombies and Skeletons are pretty similar to each other, and both kind of irritating to fight. They're heavily resistant to physical and most elemental damage (although zombies are vulnerable to fire), they'll both selectively target Clerics, and Zombies can inflict disease. Energy and Magic damage work on them, but our options for inflicting those are limited. All I can really do is armour Anleisa up as much as possible and hope she doesn't get hit too much while we chip away at the monsters.

These monsters mostly hang around in Toad Meadow, but they can stray onto the road around the Forest of the Walking Dead if you get close to them. Giant Toads have very high HP for this point in the game, and a powerful single-target physical attack that can cause sleep. Fortunately, since they're animals, Ms Swallow's new wakizashi does triple damage, enough to take a huge chunk out of their health if she hits. Giant Snakes can inflict poison, but have much less HP than the toads, and Ms Swallow can generally one-shot them.

Disease lowers all the stats that Poison doesn't (except for Luck), and like Poison it gets steadily worse over time. Unlike Poison, we don't yet have a spell to suppress it, so all we can do is run back to Vertigo with our tails between our legs if someone is afflicted with it.

Stingers are pretty bad news. Every round, they attempt to attack the entire party for 20 physical damage, with a chance to inflict the Weak condition, lowering all stats: this attack can miss, but that's still some hefty hurting they're putting on us. They also have very high AC, making it hard for our melee fighters to do anything. Insect Spray is our best option against them, doing exactly enough damage to bring them down in 2 castings.

If you go 2 consecutive days without sleep, this will probably happen: the entire party gets afflicted with Weakness. It's more of a nuisance than a danger, but some of us are getting low on HP and SP anyway, so we might as well rest.

Items designated with a star are quest items: they go in a special, separate inventory and we can't sell or discard them.

The Waters of Magic increase SP by 25, even in excess of a character's normal maximum SP. Of course, spell points don't do any good on a character who can't learn spells.

Travelling through forests can be disorientating: you can only barely see anything in front of you through the trees, so it can be hard to tell when you're making progress and when you're bumping into a river. I wish I'd remembered to use Wizard Eye for this -- it would have made my life a lot easier.

We've just found a quest item for a quest we don't actually have yet. Of course, that'll make it pretty easy to solve once we do get the quest.

I've put up a video of this conversation just for the voice acting. It's... probably not the first voice you would associate with the idea of a ghost.

Praying at this shrine gives a temporary +50% Electricity resistance to the party. Which is nice, because...

... this part of the forest is full of Killer Sprites, who attack with electricity. They have fairly high AC and a slight resistance to all damage, and drop 6 gems when killed.

It's best to deal with them quickly using strong attack spells, because they can inflict a Curse on characters. This lowers Luck and seems to penalise melee accuracy as well, and can only be cured by visiting a temple. Fortunately, it doesn't get worse over time like poison and disease do.

Insect Swarms are significantly weaker than Stingers: they do half as much damage, have a little over half the health, have lower AC and can't inflict Weakness. One Insect Spray to soften them up plus a lucky hit from a melee character will take them down.

Here's the location of Celia's hut, in case you don't feel like tromping through the entire forest in search of it.

We also get 20,000 experience for the entire party for solving this quest, which isn't bad at all.

Only Fubar and Anleisa levelled up this time, and we didn't get any new equipment or stat boosts, so I'll just post this chart instead of a full rundown of the party's status. If you've noticed that we seem to be poorer than before, it's because I banked most of our gold and gems.
Even though this was a shortish update, we've opened up a couple of new areas that we're at least theoretically capable of completing at our current level. We still have the option to go after the Witches of Toad Meadow, but we can also enter the Temple of Yak to help Mirabeth the mermaid, or explore the cursed town of Nightshadow. Which one the party attempts next is up to you, so cast your vote!