Part 106: All Good Things...
Update 57: All Good Things...

Apparently the Thievery requirement to get the Dragon Pharaoh's private safe open is somewhere between 250 and 280, because this time the game gives us the correct combination and Trish opens it successfully.

... The Dragon Pharaoh

The clouds above Darkstone Tower are a kind of victory lap for the player. There are no monsters or hazards, so the only danger is accidentally falling off the clouds because you stepped in the wrong place or your levitation wore off.

Fortunately, there are plenty of rest stops where you can sleep on solid ground and recharge your buffs if 5:00 a.m. is about to come around.

It seems like New World Computing saw this as an opportunity to take a victory lap of their own, too. There are signs scattered around the edges of the clouds memorialising every game franchise they'd developed or published.

King's Bounty was NWC's fourth game, released in 1990. It's a fun little strategy game, whose gameplay eventually gave rise to the Heroes of Might & Magic series. It's also spawned a series of recent spiritual successors from a Russian studio; I liked King's Bounty: The Legend well enough, but in later games the writing loses its spark a bit and the gameplay is more of the same.

Inherit the Earth, Wikipedia tells me, is an adventure game about anthropomorphic animals searching for an ancient human artifact on a post-apocalyptic Earth.

Spaceward Ho! was developed by Delta Tao software, but New World Computing was involved in publishing early versions of the game. It's a very simple but pretty enjoyable 4X strategy game.

Empire Deluxe is another strategy game: it's an upgraded version of Empire, which was originally written way back in the 70s for the PDP-10 mainframe computer. I haven't played it, but it seems to have been a reasonably big deal back when it came out.

Wikipedia doesn't even mention this one, but it's safe to guess that it's a set of simulated casino games.

Planet's Edge is an RPG about bringing back the planet Earth after an alien ship accidentally teleports it through a wormhole. I haven't played it, but now I kind of want to.

I'm familiar with Tunnels and Trolls as a tabletop RPG system, but apparently New World Computing developed Tunnels and Trolls: Crusaders of Khazan, a computer game based on it, in 1990. Looking at screenshots it seems kinda primitive and text-heavy, or in other words right up my alley.

Nuclear War was NWC's third game; it's a 1989 computer adaptation of a satirical card game first published in 1965. Good timing on NWC's part there, getting it out just before the fall of the Soviet Union.

And of course, we can't forget the series we're playing right now. Might & Magic was NWC's first game, published (if selling discs out of your apartment counts as publishing) for Apple II in 1986 and later released for a wide variety of other platforms. It ended up being wildly popular; a sequel was released two years later with similar success, leading to another sequel... and now, well, here we are at the end of the fifth game in the series.

It's taken the party a little over seven years to reach World of Xeen's true ending, counting from when they started afresh at level 1 in Darkside. A normal first playthrough will probably take even longer, since I already knew where I was going and was able to rush through Clouds with a comically overlevelled party; the first time I played through World of Xeen from start to finish, it took me around 12 years of game time.

A bonus update after the ending would feel anticlimactic, so let's get the hintbook entry out of the way now. We've seen almost all there is to see on both sides of Xeen, and now we meet all the criteria to see World of Xeen's final ending.

Given the number of rest stops provided, you'd have to be careless to let your buffs run out and fall. Pay attention to the time of day and you'll be fine, just like we were.

This is going to be our last chance to see the party we've followed in their adventures across two worlds. I'll spare you a detailed inventory of every little piece of gear, since for the most part our equipment is similar to what we faced the Mega Dragon with, give or take a couple of lesser materials being upgraded to obsidian or smaller stat/resistance boosts being replaced with larger ones. Fubar's much the same as he's always been: strong, tough and reliable from start to finish. Attacking in melee is all he can do, but with 36 attacks per round that's all he needs to do.

Ms Swallow's been one of the most vital members of the team throughout the postgame, and a worthy contributor for the rest of the game too. Even back at the very start of Clouds, her high Speed and good armour options already made her excellent at tanking physical attacks, while now her sky-high level, maxed-out Might and clerical magic make her a formidable all-around combatant and supporter. Before doing the Dungeon of Death I should probably have taken one or two speed-boosting accessories off Anleisa and put them on Ms Swallow so that she could break 200 Speed, which would have let her outspeed Vampire Kings and Skeletal Liches and Holy Word them back to death before they could act. Oh well, it doesn't matter now.

Flench had a bit of a slow start: despite his excellent stats, his orcish heritage and hybrid caster class meant his spell point total took a while to become respectable. That's not a problem any more, thanks to his level and Intellect. He's not half bad in melee combat either, especially since his inability to use a shield means there's no reason for him not to use a two-handed weapon. I've got him wielding an Obsidian Flamberge right now, the strongest weapon type in the game.

In the postgame, Trish has continued to do the same thing she's done all game: making sure the party doesn't miss a single treasure by opening every locked chest and gate we come across. Her Thievery score is now 288 even without any accessories to boost her boosting. That's more than enough to pick every lock in the game easily, but that's not all she can do: I've stacked enough stat-increasing accessories on her to make her a member of the maxed-out-Might club, and a force to be reckoned with in melee.

Anleisa's contribution in the early parts of Clouds was priceless, healing wounds and curing ailments so that the party didn't have to rest or run back to a temple after every fight. She's fallen off in usefulness a bit in the post-game, since her main asset is a near-limitless pool of clerical spell points and Ms Swallow kinda has that covered at this point. On the bright side, I finally got her an Obsidian Mace from the Dungeon of Death to make her somewhat effective in melee again.

Vandesloof has an Obsidian Staff from the Dungeon of Death, so like Anleisa he can contribute in melee when his magic isn't needed -- not that there's anything left to fight against now, but still. Also like Anleisa, his high SP pool was most useful in the early parts of the game, when melee attacks were still unreliable and he could use magic to wipe out groups of powerful enemies. He especially shone against monsters with immunity to physical damage, which continued to show up occasionally even in the postgame. While he was fragile at first, feeding him Endurance bonuses has mostly fixed that.

The party's earned an impressive list of awards and honours in the course of their journey. I already showed off the party's Cloudside titles at the end of Update 26; the Darkside ones begin at "Master of Words".

The order in which they're listed is a bit haphazard: there are early-game awards and postgame ones all mixed up together. But the important thing is that each one represents an adventure the party has shared together.

Look at that "Super Goober" title, bearing witness to our completion of the Dungeon of Death. It's too bad there's no award for killing the Mega Dragon.