Part 35: The Seasons Must Flow
Update 19: The Seasons Must Flow

After mowing down a few gargoyles in the mountains, we come to this chest right near the edge of the world.

Moon Ray is an interesting Cleric spell: it costs 60 SP and 10 Gems, hits all monsters in front of the party for only 30 points of Energy damage, but also heals the entire party for 30 HP. It's kind of weird and situational -- the healing is slightly less cost-efficient than Power Cure, but it has potential uses when in combat against enemies that attack the whole party. I don't use it much.
We also get 75,000 experience for completing the quest, and Carlawna will now teach Moon Ray to any characters we didn't bring along for 2,000 gold.

The barbarian camp in the mountains south of the desert has no gold or gems, but a few medium-to-high-level random items. Plus, destroying it will make barbarians stop respawning in the area.

In particular, we pick up this maul which does 3 times normal damage to dragons. I give it to Anleisa for now, and pass her emerald flail on to Fubar.

Also in the mountains is this fountain, which grants a +30 temporary bonus to Armour Class.

Exploring the desert poses a number of challenges. Firstly, of course, there are monsters. Secondly, unless you're using the Super Shelter spell, it's only possible to rest in oases, which are few and far between. Thirdly, unless you have a character with the Navigator skill, every step you take will advance the game clock by 4 hours. Don't explore the desert without a Navigator: it takes long enough as it is.

Sand Worms are by far the most dangerous enemies in the desert. They've got 250 HP, and a single physical attack that inflicts high damage and has a chance to cause instant death. Fortunately, they have no resistances, so a Sorcerer or Archer can one-shot them with Incinerate before they even get within range to attack. Failing that, the conveniently located +30 AC fountain helps reduce the chance that they'll hit you.

Sand Golems aren't too threatening, especially compared to Sand Worms. They're slightly resistant to physical damage, heavily resistant to elemental damage, hit once per round for moderate physical damage, and have a chance to inflict Sleep.

Before this playthrough, I didn't know this little bit of text existed in the game. "The water is cool and refreshing" is the stock message for drinking from a stat-boosting fountain when the relevant stat is already boosted. I guess the programmers got bored and threw this in.
Like most stat-boosting wells, the Well of Endurance gives a temporary +50 bonus. This will increase your maximum HP but not your current HP, so you'll need to visit a different well in order to top up.

There are two Sphinxes in the desert, and each one requires a special amulet to enter. We don't have either amulet, so we can't do anything with them right now.

Since we know the locations of the other three druids already, it'll be pretty easy to visit them all and complete this quest. We'll finish up with the desert first, though.

This shrine right near Castle Basenji grants a temporary +50 Energy resistance. There are exactly four types of enemy in World of Xeen that inflict Energy damage: the Guardians we've seen and dealt with already, but the other three are all pretty scary, so we'll want to keep this shrine in mind for later.

Video time again! Saul's voice is... well, it's what you might expect based on the rest of the game's voice acting.

Saul teaches the Prayer Master skill, which is like Prestidigitation but for clerical spellcasters, giving +2 SP/level to Clerics and +1 to Paladins. It's not exactly cheap, but we're sitting on a huge pile of money, so why not spend some?

The final point of interest in the desert is this fountain tucked away in the northwest corner of the world, which gives a +250 bonus to HP. Even at our current high levels, a +250 boost above the normal maximum will more than double the HP total of our more fragile party members.

The Spring Druid rewards the party with 150,000 experience points and cures all unnatural aging. The quest is repeatable, but there's no further experience awarded for doing it a second time, just the rejuvenation effect.

Ms Swallow, Flench and Vandesloof gained a level this update thanks to the quests we finished. Apart from that and a couple of equipment upgrades, the party hasn't changed too much since the last update.
And that's it for today! Next time, should the party finish exploring the outdoors, search for the Scroll of Insight in Castle Basenji or get on with the main plot in Darzog's Tower? Vote now!