Part 37: All Bite and No Bark
Update 20: All Bite and No Bark

Werewolves only have 100 HP and minor elemental resistances, so we can take them down in a couple of hits. They have two physical attacks per round and can inflict a decent amount of damage plus Disease when they hit, but they mostly just miss us if they live long enough to attack at all.

Most of the werewolf beds are empty, but some can contain some low-level random items.

Unlike the town wells, we can't fix Castle Basenji's well to do something beneficial. Just don't drink from it.

Reading the scrolls in Castle Basenji requires the Linguist skill. Each one disappears after use, granting a small XP bonus and doing something (usually something bad) to whoever reads it. Decide for yourself whether 5,000 experience per scroll is worth shuttling back and forth between the castle and a town temple.

There are about half a dozen people imprisoned in the dungeon. Each one rewards us with 10,000 experience points when freed, along with some slightly overacted voice clips; you can hear a couple of samples in the video above. One of the prisoners also has an important message for us:

Opening a box does a hefty 100 damage of a variable elemental type to one character, but awards that character 5,000 XP, just like the scrolls.

The fire traps in the dungeon do quite a bit of damage, and there are a lot of them. Keep Protection from Fire up while in Castle Basenji: you'll encounter plenty of fire damage from various sources.

You can think of Wizards as cut-price versions of the Sorcerers from the Tower of High Magic. They attack the whole party with fire, and are themselves immune to fire and heavily resistant to other elements, but only have 75 HP. As long as you have Protection from Fire active and are at a decent experience level, they shouldn't be able to do much to you.

They're also a fair source of gold, an excellent source of gems and have a good chance to drop lowish-tier items. Castle Basenji isn't important to the plot, but it's a fine place for a mid-level party to go to gain some XP and treasure.

There are scrolls to permanently boost the other basic elemental resistances (Fire, Cold, Poison) scattered around the room too.

I have no idea what the Depressed condition does, and Google is unhelpful. Whatever it is, it can't be too severe. It wears off with time or rest.

Since Weakness, Confusion and Depression are all minor ailments that wear off on their own, there isn't really much reason not to read the scrolls that cause them.

The second floor of Castle Basenji has more of our old friends the fire traps, plus more wizards showing up in larger groups. If you need to rest, remember to recast Protection from Fire, because from now on you'll really regret not having it.

There are a few scrolls of Personality, Intellect and Speed in the castle, each giving a permanent +5 boost to their respective stats.

Much of the second floor is occupied by a single long corridor circling around the outer edge of the map.
And yes, in case you were curious, teleporting into that open central area will cause you to take a bunch of damage and land outside the castle. Don't do that.

Fubar's physical stats (Might, Endurance, Speed, Accuracy) have declined by 2 points due to aging, while his Intellect and Personality have increased by 2. If we let him continue getting older, these effects would become more severe. Fortunately, the penalties aren't too harsh at the moment, and we can just repeat the druids' quest to cure him.

The Cult Leader hangs out on the third floor, but he isn't much of a boss. His HP and damage output are both increased by about 50% compared to a regular wizard.

The Cult Leader usually drops a good item when killed: this one was an Electric Mace, which does decent bonus electrical damage but is nothing too special.

We can also search his chambers for Scrolls of Energy and Magic, raising those resistances for one character.

Fighting the cult leader actually does nothing to help us complete our quest, although his treasure makes it very worthwhile. We have to backtrack to the second floor, continue on a little further and take a different stairway up.

There's no penalty for getting the password wrong: we just can't go upstairs to the final section of the castle until we give the correct answer.

Don't forget to loot this treasure chest off in the far corner before leaving!

We're also rewarded with a whopping 750,000 experience points, or three-quarters of a level. The Northern Sphinx is another non-plot-critical dungeon, but there's some very nice stuff in there so it's worth a visit at some point.

Between that big quest reward and the smaller rewards from the prisoners and the scrolls, the whole party gets another level this update. (Some characters were actually just a few thousand XP short of a level, so I visited the Warzone to top them up.) I've shuffled equipment around a bit to help balance out stat bonuses, AC and resistances between party members. Flench's SP total is looking pretty respectable now: the more his Intellect increases, the less relatively significant his SP penalty for being a Half-Orc is.
Next time, should the party use their new amulet to check out the Northern Sphinx, advance the plot by freeing Crodo from Darzog's Tower, or finish up their outdoor exploration in the lava-filled northeastern quadrant of Xeen? Vote later! Nah, I'm just kidding, you can vote now.