Part 69: Live and Let Dry
Update 37: Live and Let Dry

Vulture Rocs are similar in some ways to Armadillos: physical attackers with massive HP, AC and damage output. They only do about half the damage of Armadillos, but have three times the HP, and their extremely high Speed score (150) makes it tricky to get a pre-emptive Beast Master spell in before they attack. Speaking of Beast Master, they're also less vulnerable to it than Armadillos: they'll often resist it completely, and if it works it'll only stick for a round or two.

It's still well worth casting if you're having trouble, though, and is the only way we can hope to beat them with our current levels and equipment.

Even with Beast Master, the party can really only hope to beat one or two Vulture Rocs at a time right now, so I use Jump spells to dance around larger groups. If there's one thing this LP has taught me, it's how to abuse Jump.

Since the party hasn't relearned the Navigator skill yet, walking in the desert will waste 3 hours of time per step and cause us to gradually accumulate levels of Weak status -- and of course, the game won't let us rest in the desert. This could eventually be dangerous if we forgot to cast Revitalise. (Hey, finally, a use for that spell!)

We still can't rest, since the floor's awash with sewage, but if the most dangerous things down here are Beholder Bats then we shouldn't need to.

Enchantresses selectively target Clerics, and have a ranged electrical attack that does 3-450 damage.

They only have 100 HP, so get into melee as quickly as possible, or wipe them out with powerful spells like Incinerate; they're immune to electricity, but only slightly resistant to everything else. It's all but inevitable that Anleisa will get knocked unconscious a lot when fighting Enchantresses; I'm hoping she has enough HP to avoid being killed outright.

Sorceresses have 200 HP and can attack the whole party, but only for 2-100 magical damage. As long as we keep everyone's health up between encounters, they're probably less of a threat than Enchantresses.

Walking to the end of this hallway spawns 3 Enchantresses behind the party.

They fall fast once we reach them, but the party takes a few solid hits along the way. To be honest, I kinda like it when the game pulls tricks like this: it keeps me on my toes and gives me a reason to use those neat little utility spells like Jump.

Whatever political struggles may be raging in Sandcaster's magic guild, at least it'll still do business with us. This guild offers almost every spell that can't be found in Castleview, barring a handful of the absolute top-tier spells like Implosion and Divine Intervention and a couple of questionably useful spells like Prismatic Light.
All in all, I spend roughly 200,000 gold just getting the party's casters up to speed. It feels good to have Day of Protection, Day of Sorcery and Teleport back at last.

The training grounds in Sandcaster can raise PCs as high as level 50. That's a very respectable level even for Darkside, probably high enough to clear out almost any area in the game if you know what you're doing, but eventually we'll find places that can raise us even higher. Of course, first we'll have to gain enough experience to make use of the higher level limit.

Is there anything better than getting a quarter of an experience level for solving a simple puzzle?

Wizards are similar to Enchantresses, but with less offence and more defence. They have 250 HP, are moderately resistant to elemental and magical damage, and attack one character per round for 10-250 Magic damage.

Unlike Enchantresses, they might actually live long enough to get a second attack. A well-equipped party levelled up into the teens should be able to handle them, though, even in groups. Incinerate spells work fairly well on them if you're having trouble.

Three doses of permanent +10 Intellect. Not too shabby.

That wasn't the only potion around here, either. It pays to search Sandcaster thoroughly, preferably with Wizard Eye active to see hidden chambers.

Master Wizards are immune to fire, resistant to all other magic, and attack twice per round for 10-400 fire damage.

The best way to fight them is with melee attacks boosted by clerical buffs. They have 500 HP, so they won't fall easily, but a round or two of focused hacking and slashing ought to bring them down.

There's other good treasure in the guild halls besides stat potions, too. Most of the items aren't great, but who can argue with that much gold?

1000 gems is a bit of a steep price to pay for an extra 1 spell point per level, but we can afford it.

Refusing to apologise to Blastem triggers an encounter with a Master Wizard and fills the tavern with regular Wizards. It's nothing beyond our ability to handle at this point.

There are some interesting if slightly obscure tips in Sandcaster's tavern: this is a hint to one of the events that can only be triggered by visiting both Clouds and Darkside.

Sandcaster's blacksmith has a chance to sell items a cut above anything you can buy anywhere in Clouds; they're still not great compared to found treasure, but they can be good for filling out accessory slots.

A fair chunk of your income in Darkside comes from selling loot; a single high-value item can be enough to make Merchant pay for itself.

Now that we've picked up Linguist again, I'll head back to the Temple of Bark at some point to screenshot the books we missed last time. It's mostly just flavour text, though.

Morgana can hit the entire party for 2-120 Energy damage. She's got a relatively high AC and resists all non-physical damage, but with decent weapons you should still be able to chew through her 300 HP pretty fast.

Morgana can drop a top-tier item when defeated: we got a Cryo Ring, which grants +30 Cold resistance. Could be worse, but as top-tier items go there are much better ones.

In the sewer gym, we can teach the Body Building skill to all PCs, giving a nice little boost to maximum HP.

Better still, there are Vitamin and Protein Brews, giving permanent bonuses to Endurance and Might respectively.

Sewer Hags have very little HP, but their attacks inflict 10-250 electrical damage and can cause insanity. They're immune to both electricity and poison, but sufficiently powerful spells of any other type should be able to one-shot them. They also have low Speed by Darkside standards (only 40), so teleporting into melee range and wiping them out before they can attack is a viable tactic if your party is fast enough.

You can potentially find top-tier rings and charms in the sewers of Sandcaster, although this Obsidian Charm is sadly only useful for its sale value.

The southwestern corner of Sandcaster is a gauntlet filled with Wizards and Master Wizards. Teleportation spells are blocked in this part of town, so sometimes we have no choice but to charge headlong into danger.

Xenoc is scary. He has more HP than a regular Master Wizard, and can attack the entire party for 10-500 Energy damage. He also has extremely high Speed, so he's pretty much guaranteed to get at least one attack in. Kill him as quickly as possible: as usual, buffed melee attacks work best.

Like Morgana, Xenoc can drop a top-tier item; this time around I only got Gold Plate Armour.

Look at that HP total -- and that Might. Fubar continues to be a tonne of bricks waiting to fall on poor, unsuspecting monsters. I've been neglecting his armour a bit, but with so many HP he could probably outlast the rest of the party even if he was walking around naked.

I've decided to stack a bunch of speed bonuses on Ms Swallow, so that I have at least one party member who can act before most enemies and maybe take one out before it moves, or put up last-minute buffs if I'm caught without them. She's also got the highest overall elemental resistances in the party, since her ability to wear plate armour means I don't have to optimise for AC so much and can give her resistance-boosting gear instead.

Flench's spell point total is finally looking respectable, thanks to the unreasonably large number of intellect potions in Sandcaster. He also remains a solid melee fighter.

Trish still outlevels the rest of the party by a wide margin, and her HP and combat ability are accordingly high, second only to Fubar. She shouldn't have too many more problems with locked doors or chests, either. (Famous last words.)

Anleisa greatly appreciates the bevy of new spells she's picked up in Sandcaster, even if she could still do with some extra Personality to improve her spell point total. Clerical buffs are expensive!

Vandesloof may have benefited even more than Anleisa from his new spells, and he's got more than enough spell points to cast 'em, too. I've also loaded him up with Endurance for extra survivability, since having a 500 HP tank doesn't mean as much if the rest of the party is constantly getting wiped out.

Clearing out Sandcaster is no picnic -- even reaching it in the first place requires getting past Armadillos -- but the rewards are well worth it. In terms of levels, the party is now about on par with when they finished Clouds; in terms of stats and equipment, they're a big step ahead.
Next time, would you like to see some outdoor exploration with our new navigation abilities and spells, or a trip to the Great Eastern Tower to recover the Jewel of Ages and fix the party's magical aging problems? Vote now!