Part 73: Just Deserts
Update 39: Just Deserts

The extra levels we've gained since our first brief foray into the desert have been enough to turn Vulture Rocs from deadly enemies into speedbumps. They can still hurt us, but as long as we keep buffs active we can easily overpower them, even in groups.

Destroying this ogre fort is worth 100,000 experience for the entire party, but no treasure.

Those rewards would all be nice to have, but an instant half-level's worth of experience for whoever rubs the lamp (only a single character, unfortunately) is very tempting. Plus, I already have more gold and gems than I know what to do with.

Sand Flowers are very weak by the standards of desert monsters, with only 100 HP. They have five physical attacks per round, but only for a feeble 5-25 damage. According to the manual they're supposed to be able to inflict the In Love status condition, but that condition appears to be bugged so that monsters can't inflict it in combat.

Anyway, I had to deliberately use weak damaging spells to get this shot of their "taking damage" animation, because even Vandesloof's melee attacks were strong enough to one-shot them. If you can get far enough into the desert to see them in the first place, they'll be no threat at all.

In most of the desert it's not possible to rest safely without the Super Shelter spell, but the little stands of trees scattered around provide enough shade to rest. This is a good thing, because the desert is huge and enemy encounters can easily wear the party down over time, especially when we need to recast buffs every day as they wear off.

Iguanasauruses have 2500 HP just like Vulture Rocs, but their much lower AC makes them significantly easier to kill. Their attack is a bit stronger, doing 10-500 physical damage if it lands; worse still, it can inflict insanity.

Luckily, their speed is low by Darkside standards, at only 30, so we can get a full round of pre-emptive attacks in on them. With all combat buffs active, that's usually just enough to take a single Iguanasaurus down, and they rarely appear in groups.

There's a further hint to this puzzle in Sandcaster, by the way: I didn't show it in the update, but one of the NPCs in town mentions that a dying paladin hid his armour under boulders.

I hope you took note of where all the other clue-boulders were, because we can now revisit them all for treasure!

Not just any treasure, either: a full set of obsidian equipment, including a long sword. This isn't quite gamebreaking -- if you're strong enough to survive in the desert, you're likely strong enough to get obsidian gear from other sources -- but it's still awfully nice.

While it's fun to see just how high I can get Ms Swallow's AC by stacking all that obsidian gear on her, I end up spreading it around to cover weak spots in the party. The platemail stays with her, though, since she's the only party member who can wear it.

Griffins hang around the northern end of the desert near the mountains, and hit twice per round for 50-300 physical damage. That's a pretty respectable amount of punishment on its own, but you can expect that damage to be multiplied by two or three, since they usually appear in groups. They selectively target Knights, so if you have a Knight in the party you can stack all your best armour on them to minimise damage taken.

Their other weakness is their low health: with only 800 HP, they'll fall easily to a few good hits from a strong party. Fortunately, they can't turn party members to stone like they did back in Might & Magic 2, so we only have to worry about the damage from their attacks.

If you're having any trouble with the monsters in the desert, this shrine makes life much easier for a while. Like all temporary buffs, though, it only lasts until 5:00 the next morning.

This isn't actually related to the shrine at all; there's just a particular spot in the desert that causes the party to devour all of its food if you step on it. At least Lloyd's Beacon means that heading back to town to restock doesn't waste too much time.

A couple of the genies in the western parts of the desert offer even more generous rewards than usual. That's two whole levels, just for finding a lamp!

If you refuse the money, the genie gives you 50,000 gold anyway. Sharing is for suckers, though: we want it all!

With the Mountaineer skill finally relearned, the whole outdoor map is now open to us.

And that's why you shouldn't take all of a genie's money: a while later, he'll come back and take away nearly all the party's gold. We lost about half a million here. Fortunately, he can't touch anything that's in the bank.

There are a couple of entrances to the Gemstone Mines near the western edge of the desert, too, leading to mines we weren't able to reach before.

Most just contain the usual combination of gems and monsters...

... but what's this?

Fun fact: there's an infinite money loop involving the God of Minerals, allowing you to get arbitrarily large amounts of gold and gems. If you mine all the gemstone veins, take the resulting gemstone rocks to the gemsmiths around Acid Pond, savescum to make sure you get some nice and expensive pieces of armour like plate mail, and sell the resulting armour using a character with Merchant skill, you'll easily make more cash than it costs you to replenish the gems. If you also savescum while mining so that the diamond and sapphire veins give you mostly gems while the emerald and ruby veins (which are cheaper to forge into equipment) give you gemstone rocks, you can end up with a net positive balance of gems too.
All of the above is pretty tedious and unnecessary, though. You can do fine using only the gold and gems you find during normal gameplay.

If you burn down the barbarian camps in the mountains before visiting Yog, he'll be understandably aggressive if you go to see him later. If you've already made friends with him, though, he doesn't even react.

In addition to the experience, the party receives 150,000 gold for their work. Whether you fight Graalg or not doesn't actually matter; you just have to burn down the other two ogre forts in the mountains and on the edge of the desert.

The party's ended this update with less gold than it started with thanks to that vengeful genie, but we've done pretty well in terms of experience and gems. And of course, we've got that shiny new set of obsidian equipment from the boulders.
We've covered a pretty wide swath of territory this update: the entire central desert, plus the mountains to the south. Next time, should the party continue their outdoor exploration into the far north of Darkside, or stop avoiding the plot and visit Castle Kalindra? Vote now!