Part 81: Witches Get Stitches
Update 44: Witches Get Stitches

Witches attack the whole party for 10-100 electrical damage. They're immune to electricity but have no other significant resistances, and only have 150 HP.

If you're in Lakeside in the first place, that means you've fought your way through Sandcaster, which means you've already faced enemies stronger than Witches. It's practically impossible to not be overlevelled for them. Just get into melee and kill them.

Make sure to search all the beds in Lakeside: many of them contain scrolls with high-level spells like Dancing Sword and Moon Ray. Even if you don't want to use them, they sell for a good bit of money.

The guild's spell selection is a bit of a disappointment: of the three Sorcerer spells it offers that we don't already have, only Inferno is really good.

Both of the new clerical spells are nice to have, though.

...stir rapidly. The hide should dissolve in the caustic brew in three minutes, exactly. If the hide dissolves any sooner or later, the brew is sour and will turn its drinkers to stone. Makes one serving.

The nearby blacksmith is similarly destroyed: the only shop in Lakeside that's still usable is the magic guild.

Once again I feel I have no choice but to make a video to show off the voice acting here:

... the next day. If the mixture turns black, the brew is sour and will turn its drinkers to stone. Makes one serving.

... brew is sour and

Hey! No interrupting!

There are in fact some cauldrons with potions of Endurance, Speed and Personality, in between all the ones that turn you to stone. Keep Clairvoyance active so you can tell which cauldrons are good -- and then take note of which ones you've already benefited from, because if you try to drink from the same one more than once, guess what happens.

The Coven Leader is basically a somewhat stronger Witch, but with a twist: her party-wide attack does energy damage instead of electrical, and has a chance to reduce characters' current spell points to zero. This might be more of an issue if we couldn't just melee everything in town to death, but we can, so it isn't.

There are five prisoners to rescue in Lakeside, meaning a total of 1 million experience points, or 1 full level for the party.

This boat will in fact take you safely to the Isle of Lost Souls. It's one-way, which could be a slight problem if you have neither Walk on Water nor any teleportation spells that can get you back off the island.

The party gets 35,000 gold and seven high-level random items from searching this boat.

Sewer Stalkers have a single attack for 3-300 damage, but it's a physical attack and it's not particularly accurate so really they're just going to miss us all the time.

They have 250 HP and no resistances, so fighting them doesn't take long, either.

Large groups of them like to pop out of the water right in front of you without warning, but fighting three of them just means three times the experience points.

The potions you can find down here are all either Stone to Flesh or Resurrection. I don't know if there are any more monsters that can turn us to stone now that we're done with the Isle of Lost Souls, but having items to cure eradication could come in handy.

... was so sudden. Who would have known that the witches were plotting to...

... infested with sewer monsters, and they seem to come out of nowhere. Got to watch my back.

We now finally have access to Prayer Master, the skill that boosts clerical casters' spell point totals.

And since there's nothing much else to see in Lakeside, that wraps up this update. The party's gained a little experience, some gold, a couple of spells, a few minor equipment upgrades and the Prayer Master skill, plus the pass to Necropolis and one of Luna's statuettes.

Where to next? Should the party use their newfound pass to visit the dread city of Necropolis, find a way into Castle Blackfang to rescue Queen Kalindra, or do something that isn't likely to involve hordes of murderous undead and explore outdoors? Vote now!