Part 83: Death at a Fumarole
Update 45: Death at a Fumarole

Higher Mummies attack once per round for 10-400 damage, selectively targeting Clerics, and have a chance to curse the equipment of anyone they hit. They're vulnerable to fire, but highly resistant to most other damage types.

Luckily for us, Anleisa's AC is high enough that none of these mummies manage to hit her before we wipe them out. If you don't want to take any chances, two Inferno spells should be enough to make short work of an entire group.

Books of the Dead can be read once per character. This one requires an Intellect score of at least 25 to read, which everyone in the party has thanks to party-wide stat boosts from the Dungeon of Lost Souls and the Temple of Bark.

At age 101 or higher, a character's physical stats (Might, Speed and Accuracy) are decreased by 20, and their mental stats (Intellect and Personality) are increased by 20. If we made it to 201, the stat bonuses and penalties would increase to a whopping 50 points... which would be bad, since some party members have physical stats below 50, and having a stat reduced to 0 puts you at constant risk of death.

Sandro hits the entire party for 10-100 magical damage, with, as you can see, a chance to cause instant death. If your sorcerer or archer is at least level 60 or so, Power Shield will usually block the damage and prevent the death effect. If not... well, he's got 1000 HP and is highly resistant to physical damage but vulnerable to all elements. Use magic to kill him quickly.

Sandro will just keep respawning as long as we keep coming back here without his heart. It's possible to farm him for experience and gems if you want, but let's move on.

Remember these guys from Castle Kalindra's dungeon? They haven't changed: their ability to render party members unconscious could be dangerous, but you should be okay if you pay attention to everyone's character portraits and heal anyone who's got their eyes closed.

It's a good thing the party doesn't have much trouble with mummies, because there are a lot of them in this town.

... question once and for all. Standing atop the burial mound of a great hero, Darkness began the fight by uttering a string of syllables so foreign to the human throat as to be virtually unpronounceable. So vile and alien were the words spoken by Darkness that the hero beneath the mound heard them and began to dig his way out of his grave to put a stop to the sounds. During all this, Death had not been idle. He, too, began incantations meant to awaken the dead.
And so, one by one, the dead began to rise from their graves and fight one another between the two necromancers. The carnage was terrible to behold, the losses devastating. One by one the dead fell again, too damaged to do more than twitch or thrash about where they lay. Broken skeletons and corpses began to fill the valley between the burial mounds upon which the necromancers were standing. The dead began to clamber atop the piled corpses in their efforts to slay the opposing necromancers. But the battle raged on, filling the valley between the mounds 'til morning, then from morning to afternoon, and then again to blackest night.
Aye, the battle raged a full five days, filling the cemetery with a stench the world has never known. The armies of the dead dwindled as the supply of working corpses was used up. Soon the bodies had been piled so high that a kind of bridge formed between the two burial mounds, and the necromancers approached each other, urging their remaining servants forward. Still the killing continued, and the necromancers drew within spittin' distance. And as the last of the walking dead finished themselves off, the two met and came to blows. The exhausted necromancers fought and wrestled over the mountain of corpses when suddenly Death caught hold of Darkness' throat, and Darkness of Death's. There Darkness and Death gasped out their last breath together, dying as one at the very top of the hideous mountain they had created.

If you're already older than 100, reading a Book of the Dead will instantly kill you, regardless of how high your stats are. We'll set one Lloyd's Beacon here and another in Necropolis so that we can restore the party's youth as needed.

The higher-numbered volumes have an Intellect requirement of 50, which not everyone meets. We can easily shuffle around Intellect-boosting accessories to get each character up to that value, though.

They also cause more aging, while providing the same amount of experience. Oh well. I'm still not going to turn down a level's worth of XP.

Volume 9 (the final volume) gives a massive 10 levels' worth of XP, but requires an Intellect of 100 to read.

Even with every possible Intellect-boosting accessory stacked on him, Fubar doesn't quite make it to 100. But I'd really like those 10 million experience points. What am I to do?

Well, remember how the books age anyone who reads them? And remember how aging increases your mental stats?

The 10-point boost from being over age 50 is just enough to get Fubar over 100 Intellect, while keeping him young enough to read one more book and not die.

The coffins in Necropolis require a Might of at least 150 to open.

Once we've put a coffin's inhabitant back to rest...

... we can search it for a random item which is guaranteed to be of top-tier quality. This set of obsidian plate armour goes to Ms Swallow, giving her a slight AC boost over her previous obsidian plate mail.

And with the very next coffin we open, Ms Swallow finally gets to join the obsidian weapon club.

In the southern end of the city we also find the magic guild. It only has a couple of spells we don't yet know, but they're really, really good ones. Flench and Vandesloof finally get Implosion and Star Burst for huge damage output, while Ms Swallow and Anleisa get Sun Ray for significantly-less-huge damage output and, more importantly, Divine Intervention to fully heal the entire party.

Walking on lava does 100 fire damage per step, so as long as we can get at least that much protection between Power Shield and Protection from Fire, we're sittin' pretty. Remember, protection spells for specific elements are much stronger than the elemental resistance bonuses from Day of Protection.

Lava Roaches can't actually inflict disease; they just hit once per round for 5-250 fire damage. Considering that you should definitely have fire protection up if you're exploring down here, they should barely be able to scratch the party.

They have 500 HP and are vulnerable to physical, cold and energy attacks. Fubar can easily one-shot them.

Searching the sewer drains causes disease, but some contain guaranteed top-tier items. Hello, obsidian cape!

As far as I can tell, the Mummy's Secret Treasure is accessible only by teleportation. It contains a nice haul of gold and gems, plus several top-tier items.

It also heavily curses the party, but who cares: everyone's got enough Luck to survive the penalty until we get back to a temple to get it removed.

We need a character with at least 100 Might to pry open this barrel. Luckily, we've still got Fubar around.

The Food of the Dead grants a free experience level, but also inflicts 3000 damage. Even Fubar can just barely survive it: nobody else can even come close. There are a few more barrels like this scattered around the sewers. No pain, no gain, right?

If you're coming here at a low level and just want to beeline straight for the heart, it's in the far northwest corner of the sewers.

In addition to the key, the whole party is awarded 2 million experience points. The Dungeon of Death is one of the most fun and challenging dungeons in the game. We could technically go there right now, but I'll save it for the postgame.

How's that for a worthy reward, huh? All three of the statuettes are in completely optional areas that contain no Energy Discs or anything else important for the main plot, so this is a bit of an incentive to explore beyond what's strictly necessary.

Aaand we've now officially hit the point where gold becomes more of a limiting factor than experience for levelling up. Even after withdrawing everything from the bank, I barely have enough gold to give Fubar all the levels he's earned, let alone the rest of the party.

Maybe I should have spread the levelups around a bit more. Oh well; it's a bit late to worry about that now.

As of this update, the party's been exploring Darkside for five in-game years. Will they be able to defeat Alamar and save Xeen before this year is over? We shall see! Next time, should they look for a way into Castle Blackfang or explore outdoors in search of new wonders (and maybe some more gold to feed the Castle Kalindra trainers' burgeoning truffle habits)? Vote now!