Part 87: The Final Countdown
Update 47: The Final Countdown

... in the wall. He let go of the ladder in his panic and fell a good forty feet. Popped like a jelly donut. I'm beginning to wonder if we're ever going to get out of here.

Vampires hit for 10-300 damage with a physical attack and can inflict sleep. To put that in perspective, the armadillos outside Sandcaster hit twice as hard, and we dealt with those like a dozen updates ago. They selectively target Clerics, but Anleisa's got plenty of armour on so that's not a big deal.

They can survive a little longer than their 500 HP would suggest thanks to a high resistance to all damage types, but a party that can get into Castle Blackfang in the first place probably won't have much trouble with them.

Many of the coffins in Castle Blackfang contain a guaranteed top-tier piece of armour or accessory of a particular type. We got an obsidian cloak from this one, and the one next to it contained (in addition to another Vampire Lord) an Exacto Scarab, good for a +30 Accuracy bonus.

As you may have noticed, these Vampires are palette swaps of the Bat Queens from back on Nightshadow in Clouds. Like their Vampire Lord masters, they target Clerics, but they only hit for 10-100 damage with a chance to inflict weakness. Even if they somehow hit Anleisa, they'd be lucky to do any damage at all through Power Shield.

With no real capability to harm the party, their 400 HP gets whittled down in no time.

So yeah, I fucked up and ran the party dry of gold, forgetting that this was coming up. There's nothing for it: we're going to have to sell some of our stuff.

Luckily, I've been holding on to quite a few surplus magical items that I'm probably never gonna use.

We don't really need everyone's missile weapons any more either: they've been badly obsolete for most of Darkside. Slaying Barkman was their last hurrah.

In the end, I manage to scrounge together the gold we need without giving up anything too important.

And after all that, we get back the money we spent on enchanting the bridle as a reward for completing the quest, as if to mock my poor financial planning habits. Welp, instead of further contemplating my own boneheadedness I'm going to head off to Castle Blackfang and try to forget this ever happened.

... somewhere within its walls, and we must remain inside the castle 'til nightfall or she would surely die once we brought her into the light. I fear, however, that we lack the means to restore her humanity, and the people may reject a vampiric ruler. On the bright side...

Floor traps are regularly spaced. Remember to get Sorcerer to Jump us over them.
The Count's magic keeps us from descending. Be sure to kill him when we get a chance.

This gong opens up a passage leading to the area of the castle we explored before, the part connected to the skyroads.

To find Queen Kalindra, though, we'll need to explore other parts of the castle, mowing down hordes of vampires along the way.

Royal Vampires are very similar statwise to Vampire Lords, except that they have more HP, do more damage, and their attacks can curse the target's items, negating all weapon and armour bonuses from materials or other special properties until we get them uncursed at a temple. That's potentially a real problem, since a lucky hit on Anleisa could leave her very vulnerable to further attacks, and if she's knocked unconscious the vampire could then start cursing the rest of the party's gear too. We manage to kill the vampire before that happens, though.

The Duchess and Countess Blackfang also have coffins nearby, also containing Royal Vampires. Searching them after defeating the vampires nets us an Obsidian Belt (vendor trash), Kinetic Ring (top-tier energy resistance bonus) and Photon Scarab (top-tier Might bonus). Not a bad haul.

Count Blackfang's no pushover: he's got 1500 HP and a 75% resistance to all forms of damage, he selectively targets Clerics and inflicts 10-1000 physical damage per attack, and has a chance to cause instant death. Fortunately, Anleisa's basically a walking obsidian-plated tank and the rest of the party dishes out enough damage to finish the Count off before he can even score a hit on her.
His coffin contains a guaranteed top-tier cape, cloak and amulet: I got an obsidian cape, kinetic cloak and leprechaun's amulet (+30 Luck). At this point I'm happy for every bit of energy resistance gear I find, since that's the main damage type endgame enemies will inflict on us. Anyway, now that the count's down for himself, let's head down those stairs.

The damage isn't too severe, so you could just put up Protection from Poison and walk straight through, but as the adventurer's note said, the traps are in predictable locations: always the second step in every north-south stretch of the corridor.

The traps on the next floor are in the middle of the east-west stretches of the corridor. Once again, you can either jump over them or put up Protection from Fire and laugh off the damage.

We've earned five levels' worth of XP that we can't really cash in because we're totally out of gold for training, and more importantly, we've got our next plot coupon.

Queen Kalindra's back in her castle now if we want to visit her, but she doesn't need anything more from us.

Next time, will we rescue the Dragon Pharaoh from the army of Alamar's monsters besieging his pyramid, or die valiantly in the attempt? Aw, who am I kidding, of course we're gonna succeed -- our party kicks every possible kind of ass at this point. See you next update!