Part 91: You Gotta Have Soul
Update 49: You Gotta Have Soul

Interacting with this wouldn't do anything if we hadn't turned the power on. Since we have...

It's worth talking a little about the way this works: any stats with a base value of less than 50 are permanently increased by 50 points. That's a huge boost, and it means that if you really want to optimise your party, until you reach this point in the game you can get your stats as close to 50 as you like but you shouldn't increase them above that point. That means going through nearly all of the main plot with subpar stats, though, so for a normal playthrough it's probably not worth the effort.
Since our party's already got pretty good stats across the board, the only things that really got boosted by this were dump stats like Fubar's Intellect or Anleisa and Vandesloof's Might. Not a massive improvement in combat capability, but I'll take what I can get.

Log Entry 3: Subject deactivated and retrieved. Returning to base.
Log Entry 4: Mission objective delayed indefinitely. S.H.E.L.T.E.M. unit escaped Location: VARN 4, CRON vehicle. 3.8 years have passed since last log entry, time spent in stasis in ship's brig. Activating full C.O.R.A.K. personality module to facilitate heuristic problem solving. Will begin search for S.H.E.L.T.E.M. unit immediately.
Log Entry 5: My search for Sheltem has borne little fruit to date. His reasons for imprisoning me in the ship's brig are unclear, his next action unpredictable. I wander the VARN in hopes of finding some clue as to his whereabouts, but nothing has turned up yet. CRON's Wire shows no record of travel between VARNs or to CRON itself.
Log Entry 6: I remain unable to locate Sheltem. The Wire shows signs of his tampering, but he has been careful to cover his tracks and hide his location. The cunning he displays must be a result of heuristic improvements to his mind. I am facing an advanced artificial intelligence uninhibited by mental blocks or behaviour restraints and driven by a will to survive. Sheltem may also be following some internal directive he believes he has.

Log Entry 8: News has reached me that Sheltem was posing as King Alamar, but has fled his usurped throne. I should have suspected. Alamar's subjects were saying that he has acted strangely for about four years, but it never occurred to me to question why. The Wire reports that he has lost his connection in the VARN but has fled to CRON. I will seek him there.
Log Entry 9: Sheltem is nowhere to be found. The Wire reports several attempts by Sheltem to subvert the system and regain access, but he has been unsuccessful up to now.
Log Entry 10: Sheltem has escaped CRON and returned to Terra! He ambushed and defeated me in combat, separating my memory core from my body and placing it in stasis in a cave. Fortunately, some natives of the CRON vehicle rescued me from my plight and saved CRON from Sheltem's plan to pilot it into the sun. The VARNs that were to be released on Terra have done so on schedule, revealing that Sheltem still follows one of his directives. I will use the matter transfer device to achieve planetfall once again on Terra. With Sheltem gone at last, CRON will be permitted to continue its star seeding mission uninterrupted from here on.
You know, there aren't many series in which reuniting a legendary adventurer's soul with his body can reasonably be retconned as reassembling a disabled robot, but Might & Magic is one of 'em, and so help me, that's why I love it.

... the S.H.E.L.T.E.M. unit. If it can be fixed at all.
Log Entry 12: After much time and effort, I have determined that Sheltem resides on the original seedship that first settled on Terra. The ship is entirely underwater, but several matter transfer sites exist on the surface of the planet disguised as pyramids. The pyramids have denied me access, of course, but that problem can be solved through the Wire. I feel confident that I will have Sheltem in custody soon.
Log Entry 13: With the help of the Wire, I have infiltrated the starship. Sheltem has activated all of the ship's defenses, sparing no effort to eliminate me. Despite my best efforts, I have been unable to cut Sheltem from the Wire or order him off. I will have to physically defeat him.
Log Entry 14: I was unable to capture Sheltem and he escaped once again. He is in an escape pod heading for the X.E.E.N. project. I am in one as well, seconds behind him yet unable to accelerate to catch him. The Pod has no weapons. Apparently, natives of Terra were right behind me and have activated the seedship's engines and launched. They are in close pursuit.

This is a simple subsitution cipher: 1 is A, 2 is B, and so on.

But if you're even a little bit familiar with Star Trek, you can save yourself the trouble of deciphering it.

We can now use the stairs up to leave the Dragon Pharaoh's pyramid, which takes us to a little cloud island in the middle of nowhere with a whole lot of dragons surrounding us.

Now that we have the Dragon Pharaoh's permission, we can set off to Olympus from either the Great Pyramid or the launch point near Castleview. Of course, we could also just use Town Portal.

The first thing to notice about Olympus is that aside from the main streets and the inside of buildings, all of the ground is made of clouds. Pay attention and don't be standing on a cloud when 5:00 a.m. comes around, or your Levitate spell will wear off and you'll be rudely deposited in the middle of the desert.

Apart from that, though, the city is safe, friendly and monster-free. It's a nice break from all the hard work we've had to do to get here.

There are three more statues around the corners of Olympus, giving us the rest of the poem:
A golden bird will sorrow ease
Sweet song will Knight's lost soul appease
Help the rider to soothe the beast
Gain a flight when expected least
The symbol of royal power
Frees the Queen from evil tower
Dragon's orb the world shall roam
Yet must again return to home
Pharaoh's magic back in its place
Helps to free the visitor from space
Code's the key to thinking machines
Starman knows the truth about Xeen
Dragon once more will get you by
Owns key to city of the sky
Starman needs to hide in a box
Alamar's defenses outfox
Face to face in Alamar's lair
Out of the box springs the land's last prayer

A careful search of Olympus reveals the answers to most of the optional puzzles throughout the game, in case you were stuck on any of them.

I don't think I've seen obsidian stuff in Olympus' blacksmith (although I don't know for sure that it can't show up), but pretty much every other top-tier kind of gear can be generated. I'm definitely picking up that kinetic chain mail to give Anleisa a big energy resistance boost at the cost of some AC (which she probably doesn't need any more).

Why, hello there, that looks like another callback to Clouds of Xeen. Remember Ligono, the ghost who wanted us to find his skull? If I quickly hop over to Clouds and redo Ligono's quest, then come back here...

The tavern in Olympus offers a few little hints to postgame quests, as well as the usual bits of gameplay advice that you hopefully know by now.

The guild here offers every spell in the game, which would be great if we didn't already know every spell in the game.

Olympus' training grounds could train us higher than anywhere else in the game, to a maximum level of 200, except we're fresh out of cash.

The game is piling on the Star Trek references kind of thick at this point.

There are two more notes in sewer grates, reading "BL" and "ES". Finding all of them requires using two different sewer entrances, on the east and west sides of town.

This part of the sewer is only accessible from the entrance in the tavern. Giving the correct password opens a passage, leading to a ladder back up into an otherwise unreachable part of town.

The party's last stop before Castle Alamar is to remove the aging caused by the stat-boosting device in Corak's ship.

With that taken care of, we're ready for the final dungeon.

No more detours, no more sidequests, no more preparation. It's do or die. Next update, Sheltem, the villain pursued by three parties of adventurers across five worlds, makes his last stand on the Darkside of Xeen. Don't miss it!