Part 93: An Ancient Grudge
Update 50: An Ancient Grudge

Annihilators hit 12 times per round (yes, twelve) for 5-250 energy damage, and they have 200 Speed so they're practically guaranteed to get an attack in before you do. Energy resistance helps a lot against them, but a high-level Sorcerer or Archer's Day of Sorcery is your best defence here: the Power Shield effect will skim a significant amount of damage off each hit.

They have 1500 HP, which isn't a massive amount by this point in the game, but they're 80-100% resistant to all damage types except energy and magic. Implosion spells are the fastest way to deal with them; wearing them down with strong melee attacks also works pretty well.

The dungeon is packed with Annihilators. It's pretty linear, so most of them can't be avoided; teleportation magic doesn't work in any part of Castle Alamar, so we can't even bypass them that way. We'll just have to fight our way through.

We also start running into these weird little hovering dudes.

Autobots hit harder per attack than Annihilators, but only attack twice per round. What this means in practice is that energy resistance is more important for dealing with them, and defensive buffs less so.

Overall they're less of a threat than Annihilators; they have more HP and higher AC, but lower resistances. Also, unlike Annihilators, they can only attack from melee range. The same tactics that work against Annihilators will work against them.

This bottle is good for two doses. There are a couple more like it deeper in the dungeon. I feed most of the levels to Ms Swallow and Flench, because Fubar's tough enough already, and stronger casters mean stronger buffs, which act as a force multiplier for the whole party.

There are a couple of levers here that open important passages, so be sure to pull them.

Remember how Shangri-La had two exits, one to Clouds and the other to Darkside? Yeah, the Darkside exit leads straight to Castle Alamar's dungeon.

... his defenses. But know this, O enemies of Alamar the Benevolent, that Alamar takes pleasure in the failure of his opponents, especially when they come close to success. And you WILL fail.

... lucky enough to benefit from Alamar's wise counsel and firm guidance, crime has decreased and production increased. Further, social deviance has virtually disappeared while complete obedience, a behaviour desirable in lower life forms, has risen dramatically.

... of the Ancients' attempts to separate Alamar from his rightful guardianship of Terra, Alamar has persevered in his heroic struggle to return to Terra to protect the planet from harm, both internal and external. Though many years have passed, Alamar's resolve to return to his sacred duty persists.

... Ancient science projects to the subversion and theft of the Xeen structure, Alamar has caused more damage to the Ancients' works and projects than any other rogue AI the Ancients have ever had the misfortune to create.

... dedicated to honouring Alamar's true name. It is: kdkiendlshj**:and dugli (crackle) I am the statue...

There are four fields like this, one for each element: the Air field is made of clouds, Earth is dirt, Water is... water. If we step anywhere inside a field, we just get warped back in front of the corresponding head. They don't serve any useful purpose (well, presumably they're useful to Sheltem).

Stepping into the water dumps you into the water power field back on the ground floor. If we somehow managed to step into one of the other elements, we'd be dropped into that element's field instead. There's nothing for it but to climb back up the stairs and carefully make our way around the outside of the floor.

As the hints in the dungeon and Olympus suggested, we have to turn this dial until it reads 9.

We then have to repeat the process for the other 3 dials on this floor.

Setting the dials correctly has opened up a path in the elemental barriers, leading to a stone head in the middle of the level.

On this floor, the party has to step on elemental squares in the exact order listed by the code in the dungeon. Make one mistake and you drop straight back down to the ground floor. Note that the clouds and lava still act like clouds and lava even if you're stepping on the correct squares, so make sure you've got Levitate and some form of fire protection active for this part.

While following the directions will lead us straight to Sheltem, there is one small detour we can take along the way. When you reach the west wall of the main area on this floor, face north, cast Jump and keep walking north until you come to a pair of alcoves.

In addition to the stairs (you can probably guess where they lead), this little side area contains another two doses of Xeen Power Juice.

If we didn't have Corak in the Soulbox when we came here, we'd get this message, and then the whole party would instantly die. No fight, no cutscene, just death. Since we do, though, let's watch the ending:

The party's saved all of Xeen from Sheltem's cold-hearted plan -- but as the Dragon Pharaoh tells us, the game's not quite over yet.

Here's where the party stands as of the end of Darkside. Next update, they'll begin a journey across both sides of the world to achieve the true ending of World of Xeen!