Welcome to the Might & Magic II Let's Play! It's not necessary to have read my Might & Magic I thread in order to enjoy this, although it'll probably help.
Might & Magic II: Gates to Another World is a classic computer RPG made by New World Computing, first released in 1988 and most notable for a huge, detailed world with 60 explorable areas. The plot... well, it has more of a plot than Might & Magic I, but that's not saying much. I don't want to transcribe four full pages of backstory from the game's manual and you don't want to read it, so just trust me when I say that you'll pick up what you need to know as we go along. Right now, all you need to know is that it's set in the world of Cron in the year 900. Discovering the nature of the world the party's in is half the fun of the game, so telling you everything now would be a spoiler anyway.

Here's a map of Cron, which came packaged with the game. Click for full size. You probably can't quite make out all the details, but again, I'll address the details as they become important.

Here's the title screen, complete with jaunty music playing in the background. Do you see that thief hiding in the trees?

If you stay on the title screen for long enough, he moves around. Cute. Just don't ask where his legs are.

As with most RPGs of its era, you're expected to create your own party of adventurers. There is a pre-generated party you can use, and they all have very good stats, but that's no fun.

There's also an option to transfer characters from Might & Magic I. The ending of M&M1 had the party travelling from the land of Varn into another world, and evidently Cron is where they ended up. I'll be using this option now so that I have a party to use for the first update, but you can help me make more characters later.

And here are all the characters we just imported into the world of Cron. Right now we're in the Inn of Middlegate, where all new characters start out. From here, we can choose characters and hirelings to join the party: up to 6 player characters can be in the party at any time, but by adding hirelings, the party size can be increased to 8. What's a hireling, you ask? Well, I'll explain that once we actually have some to choose from.
Character creation info will be coming in the next post, so that I can easily link to it at the top of the table of contents.
Table of Contents
- Character Creation Info
- Update 1: The Adventurer's Guide to Middlegate
- Update 2: All Glory to the Hypnobeetle
- Update 3: Can't He Just Use a Coffee Mug?
- Update 4: The Other Side of Town
- Update 5: Might & Magic Hates You, Part 1
- Update 6: Might & Magic Hates You, Part 2
- Update 7: Team Suave
- Update 8: Team Brute Force
- Update 9: Team Ovaries
- Update 10: Team Phone Home
- Update 11: Have An Ice Day
- Update 12: It's Snowtime
- Update 13: Karaoke Night in Vulcania, Part 1
- Update 14: Karaoke Night in Vulcania, Part 2
- Update 15: It's All Greek to Me
- Update 16: It's Aliiive
- Update 17: The Great Outdoors
- Update 18: In Which Preacher Does Something Awesome
- Update 19: Too Many Paladins
- Update 20: Lord Peabody's Flying Circus
- Update 21: What's Yours Is Mine
- Update 22: Team Aggravated Burglary
- Update 23: Team Ethnic Diversity
- Update 24: Hands Up If This Has Happened In Your D&D Game
- Update 25: I Want The Zone To Disappear
- Update 26: We Put The C+ In C++
- Update 27: Fuck The Ocean
- Update 28: You Do Not Talk About Knight Club
- Update 29: The Wayback Machine
- Update 30: You and What Army?
- Update 31: Shot Through the Heart, and You're to Blame
- Update 32: Consequences, Schmonsequences, As Long As I'm Rich
- Update 33: That's Ninja Thinkin'
- Update 34: Dance Magic Dance
- Update 35: Fiery Death
- Update 36: Back on the Woad Again
- Update 37: Hail to Thee, Camp Kill-U
- Update 38: All Over the Place
- Update 39: So Help Me God
- Update 40: An Ice Personality
- Update 41: Don't Need No Credit Card to Ride This Train
- Update 42: I Lava Good Spell
- Update 43: I Am The Lizard King, I Can Do Anything
- Update 44: Preacher's Cursed Lever
- Bonus Update 44.5: Bambi vs. Godzilla - The Rematch
- Update 45: Making History
- Update 46: Fifteen Minutes of Fame
- Epilogue: Where Are They Now?