Part 38: Hail to Thee, Camp Kill-U
Update 37: Hail to Thee, Camp Kill-U

Mountain Men are fairly average melee enemies; we fought stronger opponents and won back when we were level 10.

The conclusion is as quick as it is inevitable.

The Mist Rider is a nasty piece of work, with a high armour class and a cold breath attack that can hit the whole party for a couple of hundred points of damage.

Of course, none of that matters when you've been farming the Cat from Hell until half your party has +30 weapons.

The Mist Warrior is a lot like his mount: high armour class and a magical attack (Dancing Sword) that hits the whole party for loads of damage.

And, just like the Mist Rider, we walk all over him.

As our reward, we get the best direct-damage spell that Archers can ever learn. (It's not bad for Sorcerers, either, if they're facing something that resists fire and lightning.)

The Death Spider can spray poison on the party for lots of damage and the Arachnoids are weak melee enemies that can inflict poison with their attacks. As long as we go after the Death Spider first, this battle is easy.
Unfortunately, answering the riddle incorrectly and then killing the Death Spider doesn't get us any reward, so it's time to go back and do it the correct way.

I can only assume that Mark is based on someone John van Caneghem knew in real life. The alternative is that he put a random homicidal maniac who lost his keys in the game for no reason at all. Admittedly, this game is filled with random homicidal maniacs who were put in for no reason at all, but at least the rest of them know where their keys are.

Well, since we have all three legendary swords now, it's time to go collect our reward from Castle Woodhaven!

Oh, and also to collect another lame orc joke.

The first of Slayer's monsters is one we've seen already: it's the Dragon Lord in area D1. Like most dragons, it has high HP and AC, and can inflict heavy damage with its breath weapon.

And, like everything else in this update so far, it gets pounded into the earth. Don't worry, I promise there are still enemies in Cron that will give us a run for our money.

Our next target is in the Desert of Desolation.

The oases refill the whole party's food supply and can be returned to as many times as you please, which is a good thing...

... because given how strong the random encounters in the desert are, we're going to do a lot of resting.

As you can see, for once our enemies actually survived long enough to get a turn. As you can also see, if they all decide to do that much damage to the whole party in one round, we're kind of screwed.

Of course, the rest of them are stupid and use physical attacks, and we win. Could there be any doubt?

I'm pretty sure the Queen Beetle can spray poison as a special attack, but I didn't really feel like finding out for sure, so here's another one-round victory for you.

If you ever want to temporarily raise your level to 50 and all stats to 200, here's the place to go. With a little luck, you could use this to win some battles in the desert at a low level and gain amazing experience and treasure.

At the end of a long series of smaller dinosaur encounters, we run into this.

The Reptoid and Tyrannosaurs can hit hard, but that's about all they do. The Dinosaurs are weaker and will mostly just run away from battle anyway. There are also about 200 Mini Rexes, which aren't even worth wasting a Star Burst spell on.

For beating up a monster with 2000 HP and a couple of hundred lesser enemies, that's kind of a disappointing amount of experience.

On the other hand, for some reason these dinosaurs can leave some pretty great treasure.

We've fought all of these monsters before, but together they're much more annoying, if only because nearly all of them can do something nasty that we can't afford to ignore. Death's Agent has an aging attack, the Grim Reapers can instantly kill us, the Stalkers can bring us to 0 HP with a successful hit, and the War Eagle is just a strong melee monster. Still, it's not so bad for our party.

The best part about the Death in a Box is that its physical attack also causes eradication, so no matter what it decides to do, somebody's probably going to be an adventurer-shaped stain on the ground before the fight is over. And it has 2000 HP and near-immunity to all magic, so we're not quite capable of reliably killing it in one round yet.
Oh, and Shadow Rogues can steal every single gold piece from a character on a successful hit, but we should worry about surviving before we act to protect our precious, precious loot.

Once Death has been dealt with, the rest of the fight goes smoothly. Even the experience award screen acknowledges our l33tness (or, well, our l33tiaz, as the case may be).

The Serpent King is the strongest of Lord Slayer's three monsters, but that doesn't stop us from slaughtering it.

Well, time to return to town...

... after we've picked up one more orc joke on the way out.

I've taken these screenshots before distributing/selling most of the treasure the party found, just to show you what kind of a haul we can get from a handful of battles in the Desert of Desolation.

Well, that's all for today. We've cleared some quests off our list and earned a fair chunk of experience, and once again we need to decide what to do next. Some of the castle dungeons still remain unprobed, and we've also got two caves to explore (that we know about): Druid's Point Cavern and the Dragon's Dominion. Or, if you'd rather, we could keep wandering around outdoors. Vote now!