Part 39: All Over the Place
Update 38: All Over the Place
Well, it's time for the party to explore another castle dungeon.

But first, some more terrible orc jokes!

Of course, leaving all the undesirable classes and races behind won't stop all the traps in the dungeon.

At least these dart traps just cause damage, not poison -- they still set off a random encounter, though. The monsters we're running into would be nasty at lower experience levels, but we can kill them quickly enough that they're not a threat.

Giving up 5 Personality for 3 Might is a pretty good deal: only Clerics and Paladins need Personality, so I can trade everyone else down to, say, 50 Personality and get them up to 130 Might.

Ouch. 12 monsters is more than we can kill in one round, and all of these are fairly dangerous: Acidic Blobs spray acid on the whole party, and Melting Men cause paralysis. The party goes after the Melting Men first and takes a few hits from the blobs, but it's nothing they can't survive. Onward, to claim our reward!

This is equippable for +15 Personality, but only for Clerics. We'll bring it back home with us, of course.

Behind this door, there are some more monsters and a Sapphire Pin, a Robber-only item that raises Luck.

There are three doors in a row near the entrance to the second floor: "Good", "Neutral" and "Evil". The Neutral one is the only one with anything interesting behind it, so here we go.

The important thing to remember when someone gets an alignment change is not to unequip any alignment-restricted gear they're wearing, unless you don't plan to re-equip it. Restricted gear that they're already wearing will work normally. It's possible to use alignment-changing areas to mix and match differently-aligned equipment on all characters; in fact, this is about the only productive use for them.

Ah, and here we see this dungeon level's gimmick: random teleports. Stepping in the wrong spaces will fling you halfway across the map, and getting back to the entrance requires either a lucky teleport or following a long series of secret passages without being teleported. All teleportation spells are blocked in this dungeon, of course. The monsters down here are much stronger than on the previous floor and they actually put the party in some danger at times, so it's in your interests not to hang around too long, but the amount of time you spend here isn't really under your control.

This stat exchanger lets you trade in 5 points of Luck for 3 points of Personality. It's worth bringing Clerics to this dungeon just for the stat exchanger, even if they can't collect their special equipment.

This is actually kind of a lousy deal. You can trade gold for experience in Castle Hillstone's dungeon at a rate of 3 XP per GP, and gold is much easier to come by than gems. Plus, Slayer's dungeon doesn't have to be navigated entirely by banging your head against the walls to find secret passages while hoping not to get bounced around the dungeon too much.

The cleric and robber items on this floor are behind secret passages, so keep a sharp eye out for those signs on the walls. Clerics get a Pearl Choker and Robbers get an Amethyst Box, which raise Personality and Luck respectively. Yes, this does mean they're identical to the Cleric and Robber-only items on the previous floor except for their names.

We can also get this dungeon's max HP bonus for not bringing elves along. +3 HP to the whole party isn't too impressive right now, but every little bit helps.

There's the map of the second floor, for what it's worth. (Not much at all, since it doesn't show any of the secret passages or the teleports.) The greyed-out areas can only be reached by a random teleport, and will immediately teleport you away to some other random square; they don't contain anything important.

True story: I was a dentist to a vampire in a school play once. I was the first character to die.

Well, that's it for another update. For their next adventure, should the party explore Druid's Point Cavern, Dragon's Dominion, another castle dungeon, or the outdoors? Vote now!