Part 41: An Ice Personality
Update 40: An Ice Personality
You wanted some outdoor exploration? You're going to get some outdoor exploration!

Remember these friendly fellows?

Even with 100 Speed on all characters, the Cuisinarts are still faster than the party. That's okay: it's easy enough to revive unconscious party members with Moon Ray.

And with a few +20 weapons under our belts from fighting Cats from Hell, it doesn't take too long to kill the first Cuisinart, despite his 1000 HP.

Of course, then the next one decides to do this. On the bright side, he dies after frenzying; unfortunately, he does a few thousand points of damage to 6 party members in the process.

One Moon Ray later, everyone is back in action and the final Cuisinart is easily dispatched.
And that's how you kill Cuisinarts. If you're feeling very lucky, you can even go there with a level 1 party and hope that they all frenzy and kill themselves in the first round while at least one party member survives, shooting the survivor up to level 30 or so in one battle. It's better to try it once you have Moon Ray, though, and preferably Divine Intervention in case things don't go according to plan.

This, of course, is why you kill Cuisinarts: they give the most experience of any enemy in the game. That's about 5 levels for the entire party in one battle. If you want to get everyone to level 255, you can do it here in a few hours.

I think this is the first time we've seen gold armour. It raises Luck by a lot, which probably increases resistance to magic and status effects. It also has slightly better AC bonuses than other armour of the same type. Unfortunately, this particular suit was generated as Evil-aligned, and we have no evil party members right now.
Since we've explored this area already, it's time to head north!

The tundra is still full of blizzards and snowdrifts that do damage and blow the party around the area. It's still annoying.

It's possible to come back and get Meenu's reward again once a year, but beyond the first year there isn't much point in going out of your way for it.

If the character you chose to chop down the tree has at least 40 Might, you get this as your reward. The Instant Keep casts Shelter when used, allowing the party to rest safely when they normally couldn't. It's not a bad item, but it's kind of a strange reward. Oh well.

There's also a fountain nearby that sets everyone's Might to 40, which would be useful for getting that Instant Keep if I hadn't already maxed everyone's Might at 100.

Lord Haart's keep is at x5, y5, by the way. It's easy to miss if you're just wandering around, because you have to face north to enter it.

Yeah, I screwed up the batch cropping settings on the next set of screenshots, so Jostiband and the title bar got cut out. Whoops. Anyway, this is the Ice Cavern. It has two gimmicks, one of which we're about to see.

Hey, here's the first gimmick. The dungeon is divided into a series of long corridors with slide traps at the end. It's possible to bypass the traps with teleport spells, but where's the fun in that? Not only do the slide traps drain half the party's spell points...

... they also force them into an encounter with a huge pack of monsters! Of course, they're still just rats, so the party grinds them into dust.

In the room with the monster encounter, there's some kind of item as a reward. Magic Meals give the party some food when used. They're a pretty lame reward, but some of the others are better. The rooms are also linked to each other at the back by a network of secret passages, so you don't have to deal with a slide trap for every single fight.
Most of the individual fights aren't very interesting, so I'll just summarise what's in here. The other battle/reward combinations in the dungeon include fighting 150 Sprites for 500 Gems (always handy); 50 Crazed Dwarves (who actually do enough damage to make me worry about party members dying) for +3 Speed Boots (+18 Speed, equippable by any class: very useful); 250 Goblins for a +5 Cold Shield (not bad); 200 Muggers for a +5 Looter Knife (boosts Thievery, but not by enough to be useful); 45 Giant Ogres for a +3 Giant Sling (like a regular sling, but stronger; the best missile weapon for Barbarians); 250 Kobolds for an Ice Sickle and a Cold Blade, both at +3 (decent weapons if enchanted to be stronger); 65 Arachnoids for a Web Caster (an item I haven't seen appear anywhere else in the game: as expected, it casts Web when used); 150 Blood Suckers for a +15 Dagger (very nice, and not too hard to get early on); and 160 Orcs for 5000 gold (lame).

Welcome to this dungeon's second gimmick: the most annoying permanent stat boost area in the game.

This pillar of light only appears if the party consists entirely of males. It permanently raises the party's Personality -- or it would, if we'd found it before maxing out everyone's Personality at the Circus. There's also a "Females only" one adjacent to it, which does the same thing but requires an all-female party.

Oh, and the pillar also teleports the party to an encounter with a group of Seductresses, which they're completely unable to harm with physical attacks on account of having no females. (The Females Only version leads to a fight with a group of White Knights, which aren't nearly as bad.)

Good thing we don't have to rely on physical attacks, huh?

I just noticed that the whole party's alignment shifted to Good at some point. I'm not actually sure what triggered this; as far as I knew, the only way to change alignment was in a dungeon I haven't been to yet.

Well, that's it for today -- and thanks to Lord Haart, we have a new option on where to go next! We can follow up on his quest and go back in time to find the items he asked for, we can explore a castle dungeon, we can enter the Dragon's Dominion or we can just mess around outdoors some more. Vote now!