Part 21: Bonus Update 14.5: Level 5 Spells
Cedric posted:
Question: What method of grinding do you use? Fountain spam in C2 then to A2, killing red dragons? Skill potions + fixed lich encounter in the swamp? Also, where do you keep getting those great items from? What kind of enemies drop good stuff? I've been grinding red dragons for ages now and am getting bored. And that's with abusing the fountain.
I don't really use the stat-boosting fountains much, although I probably should. I just ground outside Sorpigal up to around level 5, then in the cavern under Portsmith until around level 7. Then I ground in the Dusk labyrinth up to level 10. That isn't really the best idea, because Dusk can have almost any kind of monster in it and will occasionally generate something that kills the shit out of you, but that's what keeps it interesting. Then I spent a while grinding off the wyverns until level 11, because they give out lots of treasure for very little risk (I've already got the second-best bow in the game, as you'll see in the next update.) If I had it to do over again, I'd have started on the wyverns as soon as I could.
At higher levels, dinosaurs are a pretty fun thing to grind off, as we'll probably see in an update or two. At very high levels, try attacking the Dragon Convention just for the hell of it (and for the excellent treasure you're likely to get out of it), but I wouldn't recommend using it as your main experience source. By around level 20, you shouldn't need to grind any more.
I also used the wyverns to powerlevel Team Shortbus, by mixing three members of that party with three members of the main party. But you didn't hear that from me.

Also, please note that none of this is really the "right" way to play the game. The right way is to strike out randomly and get killed a lot. But I don't have as much free time as I did when I was 8 and neither do you, so we're going to be grinding to avoid wasting effort.
Bonus Update 14.5: Level 5 Spells

Oh, and also a map. The wyverns are in the southern part of the area, while Lord Kilburn and the Hermit are in the northwest. Also, secret passages outdoors are a terrible idea and I'm glad Might & Magic 2 made it so much easier to travel through mountains and forests.
But you're not here to listen to me talk about game design. You're here to find out what great new spells everyone learned!

Pretty much, yeah. At the same time as Jostiband and Preacher learned level-5 spells, Mattybee and Drewjitsu learned level-2 spells. Drewjitsu still isn't really casting anything except Power Cure, and Mattybee's spells won't be much use until he gets Fireball and Lightning Bolt. And Preacher's new spells... well, see for yourself.
Level 5 Cleric Spells
1. NAME: Deadly Swarm
TYPE: Combat, Outdoor
TARGET: All monsters
DESCRIPTION: Sends a swarm of killer insects against the monsters, inflicting 2-20 damage points against each monster.
That's right, 2-20 damage. Whoop-de-do. On the bright side, not many enemies seem to be immune to it... but still, Clerics aren't damage-dealers and it shows.
2. NAME: Dispell (sic) Magic
TYPE: Anytime
TARGET: All characters and monsters
DESCRIPTION: Cancels all magic spells currently active both for characters and monsters.
This is annoying when enemies cast it on you. When you cast it... well, there really aren't all that many enemies who cast buffs and debuffs, and the ones who do aren't very threatening. Don't shoot yourself in the foot by casting this.
3. NAME: Paralyze
TYPE: Combat
TARGET: All monsters in hand-to-hand combat
DESCRIPTION: Attempts to immobilize all monsters and prevent them from fighting. May be partially or completely ineffective on some or all monsters.
I should try using this spell more often, but when I'm fighting something that's worth paralyzing, my cleric is usually too busy keeping people from getting killed to do anything else.
4. NAME: Remove Condition
COST: 5 SP + 3 Gems
TYPE: Anytime
TARGET: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Releases character from all undesirable conditions except dead, stoned or eradicated.
So, uh, this spell cures every condition that a cleric at this level can already cure. I suppose if you somehow managed to get a character blinded, paralysed and poisoned at the same time, this spell would be useful.
5. NAME: Restore Energy
COST: 5 SP + 3 Gems
TYPE: Anytime
TARGET: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Replaces 1-5 experience levels that have been lost or drained from character, up to his/her former level.
Maybe monsters that "drain lifeforce" when they hit are supposed to drain levels? They don't, though -- or if they do, it doesn't seem to stay in effect beyond the end of that battle. I've never needed to use this spell for anything.
Well, that was a decidedly unimpressive list; we could go through the whole game without ever casting any of those spells. You'll notice that it's also significantly shorter than lower-level spell lists. I think Jon Van Caneghem started running out of ideas for good high-level spells; the same thing happens in Might & Magic 2. Are Jostiband's level-5 sorcerer spells any better? Let's see!
Level 5 Sorcerer Spells
1. NAME: Acid Rain
TYPE: Combat, Outdoor
TARGET: All monsters not in hand-to-hand combat
DESCRIPTION: Unleashes a torrent of acid rain that inflicts 5-50 damage points on each monster, unless immune to acid.
It's like the Deadly Swarm that doesn't suck! Too bad it's still only usable outdoors.
2. NAME: Dispell Magic
Exactly the same as the cleric spell, right down to the misspelled name.

3. NAME: Finger of Death
COST: 5 SP + 3 Gems
TYPE: Combat
TARGET: 1 monster not undead
DESCRIPTION: Channels the ancient power of all dead sorcerers through the caster, resulting in death to the monster at whom the caster points a finger.
This spell doesn't always work and I'm pretty sure that undead monsters are immune, but if you really, really want that one basilisk dead right now (which you do, because it is a basilisk), then casting Finger of Death is an option.
4. NAME: Shelter
COST: 5 SP + 3 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
TARGET: Entire Party
DESCRIPTION: Provides 1 day's rest free of the danger of encounter.
If you can spare 3 gems and your sorcerer isn't completely out of spell points, this is a wise spell to cast when resting somewhere dangerous. Of course, I always forget to cast it.
5. NAME: Teleport
COST: 5 SP + 3 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
TARGET: Entire Party
DESCRIPTION: Instantly moves the Party from its present position, up to 9 squares in any direction.
One of the best utility spells in the game. I'm going to try to avoid overusing this spell for the sake of the LP, but abusing Teleport is normally a great way to get wherever you're going in a dungeon, or even outdoors. Of course, it relies on having a map so that you already know where you're going.
Next update: we probably go exploring in the desert!