Part 25: Bonus Update 16.5: Castles, Deserts, Extraterrestrials
Nemo2342 posted:
How can you tell what the correct way is, if you have a mixed party?
Each individual PC is judged separately, so if you have a mixed party you'll only be able to get the reward for some of them. The reward is only about 4 or 5 fights worth of experience anyway, so it's not really worth making your whole party the same alignment just for that.
Tonight, it's time to see the areas the party's explored this update!
Bonus Update 16.5: Castles, Deserts, Extraterrestrials

See those Ts pencilled in on the map? Those are all spots that have a chance to teleport you to another space in the area (often into the middle of the desert). There are probably some more that aren't listed. Hope you brought someone along who can cast Location. The aliens are in that oasis to the northwest, and their intelligence-boosting device is in that square to the north that's walled off by mountains. I think there's a secret passage into there that isn't listed on the map, but if I'm wrong, well, that's what Etherealise is for.

The huge oasis in the northeast corner contains the Pool of Wisdom and the three groups of clerics. The clerics are of somewhat limited use, since by the time you're strong enough to easily survive this area, it's not hard to remove curses and restore alignment on your own. Permanent stat boosts are always fun, though.

All legends in RPGs are true, so of course we're going to be visiting that legendary castle sooner or later. It contains the gold and silver interleaves, which are what we need in order to decode all the weird messages we've been finding on the walls.

The hints for this map are more helpful than usual. In fact, they're so helpful that I'm not going to elaborate upon them.
Next update: from the way the votes are shaping up, it looks like the party's probably going to be delving into the dungeons of Dragadune. The voting's still very close, though, so if you haven't voted yet now's the time!