Part 3: A Painful Start
Update 3: A Painful Start
A narrow, torchlit tunnel branched off to the west of the inn. At its end, the party espied a smithy.

"If we're going to start on our adventure, we'll need weapons and armour. Actually, if we ever want to get back into that tavern we'll probably need weapons and armour for that too."

"Sure, show us whatcha got. I needs me a new knife."

"Does anyone perchance remember why we were so recently evicted from the tavern?"

"Yeah, 'cuz we didn't have no money. What's yer point?"

"I don't think this smithy accepts IOUs. It seems we'll have to go out and earn some money before we return here."

"And how do you propose we do that?"

"Same way we always do. Killin' things an' takin' their stuff."

"Which brings us back to the problem occasioning our need of money in the first place: we are unarmed."

"Unarmed, you say? What of these sturdy wooden sticks? I'd say they will make serviceable clubs."

"Those are... you stole the legs off some bar stools while we were escaping? I'm not sure whether I want to ask why you did that, or
how. Jostiband, I can hear you whispering a spell and I want you to stop."

"Aw, I just wanted to see if I could make them give off a little smoke. I wasn't really gonna burn them up. Probably not, anyway."
Still empty-handed (apart from their makeshift clubs), our intrepid band of adventurers explored the tunnels to the east of the inn, and before long came to a seller of foodstuffs.

"Ah, I know this shop! Many times have I purchased food from here to feed the poor. Their supplies are most reasonably priced, and almost imperishable."

"That's 'cuz even rats an' worms won't touch the stuff."

"If it's all the same to you, we'd rather have it for free."

"Now, you see, the thing about that is that we don't quite have all that money here with us at this very moment..."

"I suppose we'd better start earning some money before our travel rations run out."
And so the party set out again through the long, twisting tunnels of Sorpigal, built underground for protection from the monsters infesting the surface. Before long, the party came across a door with a sword and shield painted on it.

"A training academy! What a capital idea! If we are to fight in this state, we had best do it well!"

"Oh, hey, there are even some sorcerers here! Maybe they can show me how to launch devastating fireballs! My old master always said I wasn't ready yet, even though I was
really good at setting things on fire. Let's train!"

"It seems that nothing in life comes easily. We lack both the skill and the funds for training."

"Never mind: a good run-in with some monsters will solve both our problems at once! Even here in Sorpigal, there are bound to be a few monsters lurking in dark alleyways."
The party continued on in search of trouble, hopefully of the profitable variety.

"Lo, a locked door! Surely there are monsters lurking behind!"

"I ain't touchin' that. There's prob'ly a trap. Cedric, you're the one who thinks there's somethin' behind there. You pick the lock."

"Hah. As you wish."

"'Twas a mere trifle."

"It would seem that you have allowed us to break into an empty room. Bravo. Shall we go and find something more constructive to do?"
The party pressed on, exploring the dark and seedy areas of Sorpigal where few respectable men and even fewer women dared travel. From the shadows came high-pitched mocking laughter.
At the edges of their vision in the dim torchlight, the party could make out a group of two-foot-tall humanoids, teeth bared and eyes glowing with malicious intent.

"Kill them all and loot the bodies!"
Crowdbacon, Sylphosaurus and Preacher were in position to engage the enemy in melee, as indicated by the tick beside each of their names. Cedric, Jostiband and Daraken were forced to stand behind them and ready missile weapons or spells. The sprites lunged at the party's front row with supernatural speed, inflicting minor but painful wounds with their claws and teeth.
Crowdbacon struck the first blow, braining a sprite with his club. The tiny creature dropped to the floor, stone dead.
A dart of fire shot from Jostiband's fingertip. The flame badly burned another sprite, which wailed in pain but fought on.
The sprite proved remarkably resilient, as even a direct hit to the chest from Preacher's club was not enough to fell it. Sylphosaurus swung at the creature while it was still stunned, catching it squarely in the face and finally bringing it down.
Daraken attempted a spell, but the sprite he targeted only laughed at the tiny flame that struck it.
Cedric, lacking a ranged weapon and unable to close to melee range, remained in a defensive stance and waited for an opportunity to strike.
The party and the sprites exchanged blows for another round, but the party's strength proved superior. Sylphosaurus struck the final blow, sending the last sprite's body sailing across the room.

"It is regrettable that we must resort to violence, but it would only compound the shame if we were to gain nothing from our battle. Let us search the area and see if the sprites left any treasure lying around."

"Not so fast! There could be a trap."

"Whaddaya say we get a sorcerer to check it out? Daraken? Jostiband?"

"Not me. I'm spent."

"I fear that I too have exhausted my magical reserves."

"Guess I'll just hafta risk it, then."

"Ah, magical gems! These are an essential component for casting many spells. I will keep them safe until we need them."
Satisfied with their victory and their haul but still in search of more wealth, the party explored the room the sprites had been guarding.
As they examined the far corner, the floor gave way beneath their feet and they plunged down into the darkness below...

"Ow. Now what do we do?"

"Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Radaso (may your light shine eternally), grant us the gift of light!"

"It looks like we're in some kind of underground cell. We should get out of here before any more monsters come."

"Why did I ever agree to travel with you? Your schemes bring nothing but trouble."

"It seems we're too late to make a stealthy escape."

"Foul undead, I shall scour you from the face of the earth!"

"The cursed power maintaining your foul unlife is no match for my Turn Undead spell!"

"Could ya save some of yer energy fer healin'? I'm hurtin' here."
Overwhelmed by the sprites' attacks, Sylphosaurus fell unconscious from blood loss. With proper rest he would recover, but another wound would surely kill him.

"Fear not! I can help! Radaso (may your light shine eternally), fill Sylphosaurus with your healing warmth!"
Preacher's First Aid spell barely gave Sylphosaurus enough strength to stand and return to the fight. In their tired and wounded state, the party's chances of survival looked grim.
Before long Sylphosaurus was knocked unconscious again, and Crowdbacon followed soon after. Gibbering and dancing with vicious glee, the sprites leapt over their fallen foes and began to attack the rest of the party.
But Cedric, Preacher, Jostiband and Daraken fought bravely, and eventually the sprites were defeated.
The battle had been long and difficult, but only through surviving hardship could the party gain in experience and skill. Of course, all of that experience would be no use to them if they could not escape from the dungeons alive.

"We cannot continue on in this state. Our spellcasters are exhausted and our melee combatants are in no condition to fight. Let us set up camp and rest here until we have recovered our strength."

"Eh? Wha? Aw, c'mon, just five more minutes... oh shit. Guys! Wake up! Run!"


Mortally wounded, the party slips into unconsciousness at the hands of a band of marauding Orcs. What will become of them? Find out tomorrow on Let's Play Might and Magic!