Part 30: Bonus Update 19.5: Cavern Under Portsmith
Jostiband posted:
Don't worry, Matty. I like your fireballs too. Is there any mechanical difference between the ones we toss around?
There isn't. I think archers and paladins get fewer spell points for the same amount of Intellect or Personality, but a level-11 Archer's fireball does just as much damage as a level-11 Sorcerer's fireball. This makes archers and paladins excellent secondary casters, but they can't ever cast any spells above level 4.

Bonus Update 19.5: Cavern Under Portsmith

The Pool of Might and the Pool of Reversal are in the northern section of the cavern: I've pencilled in their locations. The big demon encounter is in the room in the middle of the cavern, if for some reason you want to mess with them (there's no particular reward for doing so).
The Succubus Queen is upstairs, and I've already posted the map of Portsmith itself in a previous update. Killing her stops the town from draining the health of male characters, but only until the next time you visit an Inn: after that, she respawns. Farming the Succubus Queen for experience is possible but inadvisable: all those Greater Devils are too dangerous.
Finishing Dusk is winning by a landslide, so that's what we'll be doing next time. There's still quite a lot to do there, so it'll probably be done in two updates: one for the town and one for the cavern. And I'm very glad that's what you voted for, because the cavern under Dusk has two more permanent stat boosters.