Part 32: Bank Error In Your Favour
Update 21: Bank Error In Your Favour

"Come on, everyone! Let's see what's down there!"

"Oh yes, let's. Because the last cavern we explored turned out
so well for us, didn't it?"

"Hey, what are the odds that we find two caverns in a row that are both full of horrible curses? We've had our fair share of bad luck already, right?"

"First rule of adventuring: as long as you're still alive, you've
never had your fair share of bad luck."

"Well, we haven't been immediately overwhelmed by a horde of monsters. That's a plus."

"'Character 1 leads the way'? Is this a puzzle or just a very obvious statement? Because either way, it's stupid."

"Shouldn't you be worrying more about the mention of traps?"

"What's there to worry about when you have Successhands on your side?"

"Ow, my head. I think I'm hung over, and I don't even remember drinking anything last night."

"Bravo, Successhands. Do feel free to regale us with more tales of your legendary trap-disarming skills."

"How do you expect me to disarm a magical trap? It's just a spell! There's nothing to disarm!"

"Can this argument wait until we've finished dealing with the monsters advancing on us?"

"Perhaps it's just me, but fighting basilisks without any magic seems like a poor idea."

"Sounds like it's time for me to drink a Magic Potion, cast Time Distortion and get us out of here! ... if I live long enough to do all of that, anyway."

"Whew! That was close. Maybe we should rest before we try anything else."

"We'll need to do more than rest if we don't want to just run into another trap."

"I think maybe we're gonna need this in case we run into another one of those hangover traps."

"Radaso, please protect your humble servant and her allies from the forces of the elements!"

"What's the deal with the whole 'humble servant' thing, anyway? We're all pretty powerful by now. Shouldn't you have been promoted to, I dunno, 'awesome servant' or something?"

"Ah, Drewjitsu, you are brave but foolish as always. We may be powerful, but we will always be mortal. Do you think that any of us could defeat a god?"

"Well, now that you've said it, we just
have to find a way to do it sooner or later."

"Great work, guys! We're protected from everything! No trap can stop us now!"

"Apparently our protection does not extend to being hit on the head with sharp pointy objects made of rock."

"Sometimes it's so great to be me that even I can't believe it."

"There's that name again... Corak. Oh well. I'm sure he's not going to be incredibly important later on or anything."

"Hmm. I suppose Corak must have left this message here as well."

"Why I see you to me three? I don't know. Why
do you?"

"Drewjitsu, that doesn't even make any sense."

You don't make any sense, Preacher! I don't make any sense! This whole place doesn't make any sense!"

"I'd take offence, but at least two-thirds of that little outburst was true."

"What the hell is an Okzar?"

"I have no idea, but I don't see any harm in paying our respects."

"Fine. Whatever. Hey, great and mighty Okzar, give us some free stuff!"
I'm not 100% sure what this means, but based on a little testing and a rather cryptic clue in the hintbook, I
think you only get rewarded at this shrine if the party leader's current alignment matches their initial alignment. Oddly enough, the reward is the same no matter what that alignment actually is...

"Why can't
all gods be as cool as Okzar?"
The Unholy Plate is wearable only by Paladins, and is one of the strongest pieces of armour in the game. It's supposed to be restricted to evil characters, but alignment restrictions don't seem to work properly in the Mac version of the game. Might and Magic is a cruel enough game that I feel no particular guilt about taking advantage of the occasional minor error when it works to the party's benefit. (Besides, if I hadn't been casting Restore Alignment regularly, which I wouldn't normally bother to do, Drewjitsu would be evil by now anyway.)

"What a suspicious-looking corridor. There are probably going to be a lot more traps at all of these intersections."

"Good thing we have our protection spells, isn't it?"

"It'd be even better if one of us remembered to cast Levitate."
Apart from a single medusa, none of the monsters in the pit were actually dangerous, and the party fought their way out easily despite their weakened state.

"There had better be something worthwhile at the end of this damn corridor."

"Oooh, shiny."

"Hmph. Well, I guess that's worth it... if you're some weakling archer who thinks hitting with three pissy little shots is better than cleaving your enemy in half with one blow."

"Have you
seen the size of this bow? I probably
could cut someone in half with an arrow from this if I aimed it right."

"This is going to be another one of those things where every door leads to monsters and only one of them also leads to a secret passage to something important, isn't it?"
Seven monster encounters and one secret passage later...


"I'm so conflicted. The Prism of Precision was shiny, but the Flame of Agility is on fire. I can't decide which one I like best! Why can't there be something that's both shiny
and on fire?"

"I think we'd better get out of here before Jostiband's current train of thought leads her to randomly set shiny objects on fire."

"She pretty much does that all the time anyway; it's just that usually she's not so picky about her choice of targets."

"Well, we've survived another adventure, and now we're faster and more accurate than before. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger."

"Sometimes what
does kill us makes us stronger too, but when that happens it usually hurts a lot more."

"Why can't I wear Unholy Plate, anyway? I'm unholier than Drewjitsu could ever be!"

"It's kind of depressing that with such amazing abilities, my main purpose in life is to disarm traps, and I don't always do
that right."

"I'm keeping this armour out of the hands of evil in the safest way I know how: by wearing it! That's okay, right?"

"I'm mostly keeping this wand around for the bonus fire resistance. Now that I can cast Fireball, it's sort of redundant."

"Something tells me I'm going to need to have a long talk with Drewjitsu one of these days about things like not wearing armour powered by the forces of evil. But at the moment, it seems like as long as he doesn't realise that the armour should be blasting him with unholy power, it won't."

"You need the eggs, huh?"

"What eggs?"

"He thinks he's a chicken. You'd cure him, but you need the eggs."

"He thinks he's a chicken now?"

"Never mind. You're as bad as he is."

"This gold key is awfully shiny but completely non-flammable, and I still don't know what it opens."
Well, that's another update done. Now that the party's seen everything of importance there is to see in Dusk, they can either explore the town of Erliquin so as to loot its bountiful treasure, or visit one of the castles (an inhabited one, rather than a ruined one like Dragadune) to receive a quest. Vote now!