Part 33: Bonus Update 21.5: Level 7 Cleric Spells, Cavern Under Dusk
Garfield - Der Film posted:
So am I the only one who noticed that not only did the game choose the wrong stone formation but that Stalagtite isn't even a word? Unless it happens to be some sort of super sediment that grows from both the ceiling and the ground and somehow can fall from above anyways?
If it's not even a word, how do you know it's the wrong word?

But seriously, it's not like that's the only typo or spelling error in the game.
Bonus Update 21.5: Level 7 Cleric Spells, Cavern Under Dusk

The cavern under Dusk is full of traps. This is one place where the Psychic Protection spell is absolutely necessary, unless you enjoy having your entire party's spell points drained every ten steps or so. Levitation is also very important. If for some reason you can't cast either of those spells, you can get a bunch of powerful protective spells cast on you by donating repeatedly to a temple, but they'll only last until the next time you rest.
The Shrine of Okzar is in the northwest corner, the Prism of Precision is in the northeast corner, and the Flame of Agility is in the secret area on the eastern side.
If there's a way to stop the stalactites hurting you, I don't know what it is.
The party doesn't have access to level-7 sorcerer spells yet, because sorcerers level up slower than clerics. So for now, the only spell list you get is:
Level 7 Cleric Spells
1. NAME: Divine Intervention
COST: 7 SP + 10 Gems
TYPE: Combat
TARGET: Entire Party
DESCRIPTION: Intercedes with supernatural forces to restore all characters' Hit Points and remove all undesirable conditions, except eradicated.
Sounds great, doesn't it? Well, the manual forgets to mention two things. Firstly, it can only be used once per battle; secondly, it ages the caster by 5 years. Cast it if and only if you think the party's survival depends on it.
2. NAME: Holy Word
COST: 7 SP + 5 Gems
TYPE: Combat
TARGET: All undead monsters
DESCRIPTION: Utters a single word of devastating power that totally destroys all undead monsters.
Well, it does what it says on the tin. If you are fighting a large number of powerful undead monsters, this is the spell for you.
3. NAME: Protection from Elements
COST: 7 SP + 5 Gems
TYPE: Anytime
TARGET: Entire Party
DESCRIPTION: Increases all characters' resistance to fear, cold, fire, poison, acid and electricity. Amount of the increase depends on the caster's experience level. Spell lasts 1 day.
Convenient. Of course, I still don't bother to cast it unless I know I'm likely to run into dragons or something.
4. NAME: Resurrection
COST: 7 SP + 5 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
TARGET: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Removes the eradicated condition from the character, adding 10 years to his/her age and subtracting 1 endurance point from his/her vital statistics. There is a chance that the spell will fail.
Eww. Unless you absolutely have to resurrect an eradicated character immediately, it's better to go back to town and get them resurrected at a temple. That way, they won't suffer the aging and permanent endurance loss.
5. NAME: Sun Ray
COST: 7 SP + 5 Gems
TYPE: Combat, Outdoor
TARGET: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Sears the monster with a focused ray of deadly light, inflicting 50-100 damage points.

Actually, it's a bit of a disappointment. The most powerful monsters can easily have over 100 HP, and many of them resist energy attacks. Clerics aren't really meant to be offensive spellcasters; if there's a single enemy that you want to kill right away, just have your sorcerer cast Disintegrate instead.
And that's the end of today's bonus update. Going to Erliquin is winning over visiting the castles by three votes at the moment, but it's not too late to vote!