Part 37: Robbing Your Employer For Fun and Profit
Update 24: Robbing Your Employer For Fun and Profit

"Rumour has it that Lord Inspectron of Castle Blackridge North is in need of adventurers to map and explore Varn on his behalf. I say we should accept his generous offer: further exploration can only bring us closer to our sacred goal of finding the Inner Sanctum."

"There's treasure in it for us, right?"

"Isn't there always?"

"Hey, if this is the way to Blackridge South, I bet that Blackridge North is somewhere to the north of here!"

"You'd think so, wouldn't you?"

"But if it's any further north than this, it's probably buried under a few thousand tons of ice."

"Well, perhaps we should head east."

"Whoops. Looks like we went a little
too far north."

"Well, this
is what we came here for. It'd be stupid to freeze our various extremities off walking all the way here only to turn back at the last minute."

"Kind of a spooky old place, though, isn't it?"

"What, worse than Castle Dragadune?"

"At least Dragadune had all those dead people to keep us company."

"Before we visit Lord Inspectron, how about we wander around looking for treasure to loot? I'm sure he won't mind."

"It sure is dark in this secret passage. I guess the maintenance crew doesn't come here often to replace the torches."

"Hey, why's the floor so slippery all of a--"


"...eeeeeeee--ow! That hurt."

"That slide sent us all the way to the edge of the Quivering Forest."

"Indeed. Let's not try that again. It's time to fly back to the castle before we all catch our death of cold, I think."

another one of these. Hey, is anyone even writing these down?"

"Oh, don't worry. I've got them all memorised."

"Good. Memorising long strings of meaningless letters is just about the
least terrifying thing you can do with your mind. Now, let's see if there's any treasure arou--"

"... uh-oh."

"Maybe we should make ourselves scarce for a while."

"Too late. I was itchin' for a fight anyway. Let's get to it."
One very short and one-sided battle later, the victorious party continued to explore the castle.

"This is inhuman! Whatever his crimes, no man deserves such treatment. We must free him!"

"Now wait just one minute. Haven't we already drawn enough attention to ourselves by setting off the alarm? We came here to get a quest from Lord Inspectron, not to make an enemy of him."

"Well, if he's the kind of guy who locks people up like this, maybe we don't
want to do quests for him!"

"Who cares what he does to other people? The important thing is what rewards he's got for us!"

"If setting off that alarm didn't already make Lord Inspectron suspicious of us, nothing will, and if we free this prisoner I bet we can get some information out of him in exchange."

"Oh, were you guys talking about something? I kind of unchained this guy while I was waiting for you to finish."

"Well, so much for questioning him. Let's just go find the lord."

"Hi there, Lord Inspectron! We're here looking for a quest, and we definitely didn't try to rob you or free your prisoners, so you know you can trust us!"

"I... see."
"Hopefully this will get you all killed and you won't come around to loot my castle again."

"Did you say something? I thought I heard you say something."

"I said, good luck!"

"Oh, okay. Thanks!"

"Well, the Quivering Forest isn't far away and we know of two reasonably convenient routes into it. This quest should be a cinch. We can set out tomorrow."
Since all the party has done this update is to explore a castle and fight some weak monsters, their character sheets haven't changed much since last time and I don't see much point in posting them again.
Anyway, it's time for another vote. Since our quest is only to
find the ancient ruins, we don't actually have to explore them -- but we could if we wanted to. Should the party fully explore the ruins immediately, or just duck into the entrance, move on to Lord Inspectron's next quest, and come back for the ruins later? Vote now!