Part 39: Bonus Update 25.5: If You Need Maps For Any Dungeon, It's This One
Bonus Update 25.5: If You Need Maps For Any Dungeon, It's This One
Frankincense posted:
What happens when you torment the prisoner ? (It is a very mean thing to do btw)
Nothing particularly interesting. Prisoners cry or cower when you torment them or leave them be, and flee if you free them. In any case, you never hear from them again.
victrix posted:
That quest seriously rewarded you with 1k xp?
Yes. Quest rewards kind of suck in this game, unless you do the easy quests as early as possible.
Scattersane posted:
Lord Hacker. Partially because I'm obsessive about cleaning up inventory, even when I'm not the one playing the damned game.
Also because he's an alchemist named Lord Hacker. I imagine some burned-out dude with bags under his eyes in noble clothing offset by having gone a week without being washed holding a UNIX manual in one hand as he giggles over a cauldron. Dude, check this out, if you replace the eye of newt with a couple falcon's talons and a pinch of oregano you can temporarily turn the Pentagon into a Pentagram. It pisses them off so much. But right now I'm working on a way to transmute /b/ into gold. I figure after that, lead'll be a fucking cinch.
You know, given some of the stuff in later Might & Magic games, you might not be too far off the mark there.

Here's the outdoor area where all the action has been taking place recently. The observant among you may notice that the hints mention a few things that we haven't done yet. Don't worry: we'll get around to them in due course.

The hint about emptiness refers to the fact that whatever group of monsters you encounter in an empty vault, they'll always drop a couple of dozen gems in addition to their usual loot. Gems aren't really hard to come by, but extra ones are still nice.
Of course, the bit about the Quivering Forest is a lie, since there's also a route there from the cavern under Erliquin (and unlike the one in the castle, it's a two-way route).

"Confusing" is an understatement. If I had to map any of these dungeons myself, I probably wouldn't be doing this LP, but that's doubly true for this one. Save yourself the grief and don't come here until you can cast Teleport.
The hint about "you decide your death" refers to the fact that in some versions of the game, you're allowed to choose which character dies in exchange for the Ring of Okrim. I wasn't given the option to decide, though; Okrim just picked someone to kill, apparently at random. Fortunately, it wasn't Preacher.

I have nothing to say about this level. Well, okay, I have a great deal to say about it but most of it is unprintable. The only thing of any use at all is one gold message. Seriously, unless you enjoy mazes full of spinning rooms and random teleport traps far more than is normal or healthy, just use Teleport on the first level and skip this level entirely. If you really must explore this level yourself, the stairs up to Okrim's lair are in the northeast corner.