Part 42: Bonus Update 27.5: Maps and Traps
Bonus Update 27.5: Maps and Traps
The Mattybee posted:
Wait, wait.
I come back from not reading this for a while, and I have a fucking Laser Blaster? Please tell me I am using that thing all the fucking time
Well, it's only got 10 charges, but it's easy enough for me to go back and get another one if it's used up. The only problem is, the party's so strong by now that most fights can be easily won with autocombat, so there's nothing really worth using it on. Next time we run into a boss, though, I'll be sure to laser him to death just for you!

As usual, the hintbook's clues are rather on the overly literal side. Portal transport is a little too bountiful: several passages are full of teleport traps that send you to other areas, making this cave a pain to navigate. There's enough treasure here to make it worth visiting, but it's usually best to use teleport spells to get where you need to go rather than walking everywhere. The easiest piece of Thundranium to snag is at (x0, y3), the aliens with the Laser Blaster are at (x1, y12), and Ranalou and his portals are in the northwest corner of the cave.

As the hints imply, revisiting the Ice Princess after getting the diamond key is an alternative method of getting a bronze key. The Black Knight in the last update is a fixed encounter at (x0, y15). He's not very tough and often drops top-quality treasure, making this a good place to grind for equipment.

As you saw, we don't actually need the silver key. In fact, we could explore nearly the whole dungeon without ever using the key even if we didn't have Teleport: the only area blocked off by a silver door is the big row of one-way doors in the southwest, and the only thing behind them is a gold message.

The giants are in the northwest, if you really want to brave a bunch of boulder attacks just so you can fight them. The hallway in the east marked with pencilled-in T symbols is the slide trap; the button to turn the slide off is at (x15, y4). The entire northeast quadrant of the dungeon, including the four tests, is basically a red herring.
Lord Archer is in the room in the southeast corner, and he gives you a choice between giving him all the party's gold or fighting him. If your party isn't at a fairly high level, the fight will probably go badly for you. Unless you have a particular reason for bothering Lord Archer, it's probably best to just leave him alone.
Lord Hacker is three votes ahead of Lord Ironfist right now (assuming that GuavaMoment's comment was intended as a vote), so unless there's a sudden rush of votes for Ironfist, it looks like I'll finally get to clear a lot of useless junk out of my party's inventory next update. Stay tuned!