Part 44: Bonus Update 28.5: Castle Blackridge South, Exciting News
Bonus Update 28.5: Castle Blackridge South, Exciting News
I was going to hold off on doing a bonus update until after the next dungeon, but then I found something that's probably of considerable interest to those of you playing at home: Gametap has the manual and hintbook for Might & Magic I freely available for download. This is also going to make it a lot easier for me to get good images of the maps. (The best way to get something done is always to wait for somebody else to do it.)
Psion posted:
"Eye of the taiga?" "Social club?"
I can't decide if I hate you or love you. Why you gotta make it so difficult, Thuryl?
It's no secret that my humour consists of 50% over-the-top characterisation, 50% odd cultural references and 50% dumb puns. (There's considerable overlap between the three categories.)
Tarquinn posted:
Have you already decided if you will go with a new party or the old guys in M&MII?
I'm leaning toward starting a new main party while giving the old party supporting roles. I'd be happy to hear your opinions, though, and I might hold a formal vote on it when M&MI is done.
Glazius posted:
So this is your chance to empty out your miscellaneous inventory or something, right?
Well, more like the reason for filling your inventory up in the first place. Ain't fetch quests grand?
neongrey posted:
A destroyer wand? Please shatter my dreams of awesomeness by informing what it does, which, inevitably, will not be all that awesome.
It slightly raises magic resistance when equipped, and casts Disintegrate when used. For some reason, it sells for much more money than a Laser Blaster, even though it does basically the same thing. Only Archers and Sorcerers can equip it, and Archers are probably better off with the accuracy boost from the blaster.
Jostiband posted:
I must say I am a bit worried about my forum cred now.
How can I be a proper shitposter if I've got a sociopathic wannabe dickgirl image going...?
You brought this entirely upon yourself, you know.

Whatever you say. Now, where was I again? Oh, right. I'm supposed to be posting the map of Castle Blackridge South.

Castle Blackridge South has almost exactly the same layout as Blackridge North, just rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise. The monsters can be brutal, though -- even my overlevelled party had a few close calls. If you're going in with a low-level party to get easy experience from his first three quests, it's a good idea to walk straight ahead until you meet Lord Hacker and then walk straight back out before something kills you.
The Medusa Head quest turned out to be... more interesting than expected, in the kind of way that's bad for me and good for you. I've played through and taken screenshots, and I'll start writing the update tomorrow morning.