Part 47: Bonus Update 30.5: Worst Cave Ever
Bonus Update 30.5: Worst Cave Ever
Zereth posted:
... So is there a way to get your stuff back if that happens?
Nope. Remember how the hintbook page for Castle Blackridge South said "at seven quests, ask for no more"? It wasn't kidding. Hope you weren't carrying anything important in anyone's backpack.
Drewjitsu posted:
And Drewjitsu is useful...right? He can cast spells and stuff.
Yeah, Drewjitsu's saved the party more than once with a well-timed Power Cure. If anything, Archers are the least important character class, in the sense that you can replace one with a second Knight or Paladin without feeling the loss too acutely.
Tkytko posted:
And I like how you can even duplicate quest items.
I like it too. I'm actually kind of wondering if the reason Lord Hacker throws you into the Pit is to prevent you from repeating all his quests like you can with the other lords, although duplicating a bunch of items just for a few thousand experience points would be a pretty horrible waste of gems.
GuavaMoment posted:
It warms my heart everytime I see Party B fail at simply everything.
How close are we to the end of the game? Since Alamar's an option, I assume we're close.
Did you get that pun from Might & Magic 2, or did you concoct it independently?
Anyway, we're not too far from the end now. There are only 7 dungeons we haven't explored yet, so allowing for a bit of outdoor exploration, we'll have everything more or less wrapped up within the next 10 to 15 updates. I was hoping to have the LP finished by the end of this month, but that doesn't seem likely.

Here's the map of the medusa cave, which I personally think is much tougher than the cave under Dusk despite what the hintbook says. It's full of traps and nasty monsters, especially gorgons and basilisks. I'm not sure what the hint about the "message" is referring to. Save yourself a lot of trouble and make a beeline for the southeast corner of the dungeon, where the medusas are.

Not much to say here. There are a couple of pirate treasure coves in the far southwest, reachable only by Walk on Water or teleportation, the Druid who gives you the King's Pass is in the far northwest, and Red Dragons like to swoop down and attack you out of fucking nowhere while you're travelling in the mountains. There are several fixed encounters with dragons, but only one yields a Dragon's Tooth.
It looks like Lord Ironfist is winning by a landslide, which is fine by me. I'll try to get an update done tomorrow.