Part 5: In Which The Party Actually Survives An Adventure
Update 4: In Which The Party Actually Survives An Adventure

"Ugh... my head... did I drink too much again last night? I can't remember a thing..."

"One o' my kitchen boys heard screamin' from down in the cavern while he was in the cellar fetchin' some wine. I had him find you and bring you back up here. Can't have your friends here escapin' their debts by dyin'."

"Wait, you sent someone to drag our bleeding bodies all the way back to the inn just so we could work off our bar tab?"

"Yup. Whoever left you there already took everythin' you had that was worth sellin', so by my reckonin' you still owe me, oh, 50 gold or so."

"I... suppose I should thank you for saving my life, anyway."

"You want to thank me? There's a stack of dishes in the kitchen that needs washin'. Bring those other two elves with you."

"Me? But I don't even..."

"Less talkin', more scrubbin'."

"... yes, sir."

"Another fine mess you've put us in, Cedric."
And so, the party found themselves alive (if split up and somewhat the worse for wear) back in the Inn of Sorpigal.

"Well, it seems we've been left short-handed. Never mind, those elves seemed like disreputable types anyway. What say we seek out some brave and trusty fighters to defend us in our quest?"

"Hey, sweetheart, I can defend ye just fine..."

"Be that as it may, I'd feel safer in a larger group. Jostiband, for the last time, leave my holy symbol alone."

"But it's the sun! The sun's
supposed to be on fire!"

"Not when it's hanging around my neck, it isn't! Come on, let's see if the men over at that table are interested in adventuring for a good cause."
At the table Preacher indicated, a dwarf and two humans alternated between drinking and complaining about the quality of the drinks.

"Excuse me, good sirs, have you need of our skills in your adventuring party? I'm a cleric, Jostiband here is a sorceress, and Sylphosaurus is a... er, he's skilled with locks and traps."
The dwarf, heavily-muscled and sporting a glorious beard, was the first to answer.

"Ah, I've no mind to stay at this inn much longer. The swill they serve here is no match fer fine dwarven ale. What d'ye say, comrades? Ready fer some adventure?"
One of the humans, a well-groomed young man with a roguish sparkle in his eyes, chuckled softly.

"I think that's a fine idea, Magnus. My archery, your and Tarquinn's muscle, and the skills of these newcomers should make for a most deadly combination. Tarquinn, what say you?"
The second human, a rough-looking man bearing the scars of countless battles, scratched his chin and grunted.

"If Magnus and Mattybee agree, I've no objection. Let's get going, then."

"Let's hope this goes better than last time!"

"Eh? What was that about last time?"

"Um, nothing. Never mind."
Almost as soon as they left the inn, the party was accosted by a group of squat, ugly humanoids leading two mouldering skeletons around on the end of iron chains. When they saw the party, they let the skeletons loose.
With a wave of Preacher's hand, the skeletons crumbled to dust, while Jostiband's magic caused one kobold to slump to the ground in a deep sleep. The remaining two kobolds drew crude stone knives and attacked in a wild frenzy.
Magnus and Tarquinn each struck down a kobold with a single mighty blow from their clubs. The sleeping kobold was dispatched soon after.

"Ah, it's good ta do honorable battle again! I hain't had many chances fer that wi' these two around."

"Do you mean to impugn my honour in front of these two fair ladies?"

"Oh, come off it, fancy boy. Using big words doesn't make you better than me. Now let's see if those kobolds had anything worth taking."

"Looks like we found ourselves a treasure sack. Jostiband, jus' t' be safe, mind checkin' fer poison needles or anythin' like that hidden in there?"

"Hmm... looks safe to me. Go ahead."
The kobolds' sack was full of old copper coins totalling 30 gold.

"Not bad, but we can do better. Everyone else ready to look for another fight?"
Hissing echoed down the tunnels as five large snakes came into view.

"Looks like we just got some new volunteers for target practice."
Once again, Jostiband's magic proved invaluable in disabling the snakes while Tarquinn and Magnus made short work of them in melee.

"Next chance we get, I'm spendin' my share o' the party's money on a sling so those two don't hog all th' glory."

"Ha! A well-earned victory! Now, let's see what they had in t' way o' treasure!"

"We've been over this before, Magnus. Snakes tend not to carry valuables, on account of having neither arms with which to carry anything nor minds with which to value anything."
The party continued exploring the tunnels of Sorpigal, looking for monsters to root out and slay. Before long, they were confronted by a motley crew of sprites, wild dogs and a strange snake-like creature with vestigial arms and legs.
One of the sprites began the battle by muttering a spell. Immediately, the party's arms felt strangely heavy, reducing their ability to strike accurate and powerful blows.
The curse, however, was not enough to steal victory from the party.

"Looks like them sprites was carryin' some decent treasure. I bet there's a trap, too."

"Don't look at me to check for traps. I'm exhausted."

"Eh, I'm sure I can handle it on my own."
Sylphosaurus carefully pried open the chest without setting off any traps, revealing a handful of gold coins and gems, and a brigandine coat in a good state of repair.

"I'll be taking that."

"But you're already the toughest of us. Magnus and I need the protection more."

"Like you said, I'm the toughest. You wanna fight over it?"

"Point taken. The armour's all yours."

"Bah. Very well, but t' next thing we find is fer me."
Having earned some money, the party decided to spend it on weapons at the local smithy. A wooden club could only do so much.

"I'd rather have a sword, but this axe and armour will do for now."

"Ah, an axe. Tha's a fine dwarven weapon."

"A man of my talents would be better served with a crossbow."

"Aw, stop complainin'. When we get the gold, ye'll get yer bow."

"I see you've come back alive this time. Plannin' to make a habit of it?"

"... Preacher? Jostiband? Sylphosaurus? Is there something you've not been telling us?"

"My sacred oaths forbid me from lying. Sylphosaurus, tell him what happened."

"Nothin' at all. There ain't nothin' ye need ta worry about. Now let's turn in fer the night an' hope Jostiband doesn't burn th' place down while we sleep."

"Hey! I wouldn't do that to you guys! When I burn things, I want my audience to be awake to see it!"