Part 50: Bonus Update 32.5: The High Seas
Bonus Update 32.5: The High Seas
GuavaMoment posted:
I've played MM2, but I can't remember what you're referring to. Maybe I did something subconsciously?
I was thinking of flicking the Fe Farthing into the fountain of frolicking fairies.
Niketas Choniates posted:
Find out whats behind that slab of coral. By the way have you gained any new spells lately? I haven't noticed you post a spell list for a while.
The party now has all the spells they're ever going to have. Sorcerer/Cleric spell levels only go up to level 7, and Archers and Paladins can only cast spells up to level 4.
Spincut posted:
I'd say talk to the king and see what he's got for you (if anything). Er, so...whatever happened to one of the lords being an alien? Is it Lord Hacker because he throws you in the pit and stuff? Or is it just kinda unresolved?
Ahahahahaha. No, it won't be going unresolved.
Get this: you know how occasionally I keep talking about progressing in the main plot of the game? Well, the whole alien prisoner thing is the main plot. All the quests we've been doing for the Lords are just optional sidequests.
I'm not spoilering the above because honestly there's not much to spoil. If it's not obvious already, this game is from an era before CRPGs were expected to have coherent plots.
It's never really explained why Lord Hacker decides to steal your items and throw you in a pit if you come to him after his potion is finished, either. Jon Van Caneghem just enjoys screwing you over.
tree fell on truck posted:
I haven't posted in this thread yet (I think), but I wanted to say that this thread is probably my favorite LP ever, I think you have a really amazingly entertaining writing style
Aw, thanks.

And you've actually posted three times, so thanks for contributing 0.54% of the total posts in this thread!
Now, I think it's high time for some maps!

The big spiral in the southeast corner is the Tower, which holds this castle's prisoner. Teleportation is blocked in Castle White Wolf, so you can either Ethereralise through the walls or just walk all the way around. Or, of course, just forget about the prisoner entirely.
Lord Ironfist's treasure, guarded by White Wolves, is at (x5, y5). Money is never very tight beyond the start of this game, though, so if you're strong enough to kill the White Wolves you probably don't really need to do so.

The Jolly Raven is at (x8, y13). It's between those two rows of mountains, so you'll need either teleportation or Walk on Water to get there. All the little islands have natives on them, and the large island has more natives plus the big coral slab. As the hints suggest, we'll need a coral key to get past it. I think this might be the only key that's mandatory to win the game: there's something in the cave under the slab that we'll eventually need.

The pirate ghost ship is somewhere in the waters of this area, so keep wandering around until you find it. The big mass of land in the far south is Trivia Island. Each of the forest spaces asks a different trivia question, and you get 50 gems for each correct answer. The answers have to be exactly as I typed them in the update: minor changes such as typing "Ironfist" instead of "Lord Ironfist" will be counted as incorrect.
Also, paying 500 gold to enter was buggy for me: the trivia questions didn't show up. Instead of paying, you can get a free attempt by pulling a lever at (x15, y15), but that space is surrounded by powerful monster encounters. It's not a bad way to get gems if you're running low for some reason, I guess.