Part 7: Okay, Who Said There'd Be Fewer Traps Outdoors
Update 6: Okay, Who Said There'd Be Fewer Traps Outdoors

"It would be a shame to stay underground on such a beautiful day. Let us enjoy the gift of Radaso (may his light shine eternally) while we can."
The party began to explore the sparsely-forested valley to the west of Sorpigal.
Further to the west, the party's path was soon blocked by dense forests and impassable mountains.

"I thought I heard a voice from that circle of trees back there. Could be some fat old merchant laden with gold."

"Bah, it's just a gypsy. Probably not even carrying enough to be worth robbing. Fine, old woman, I'm in the mood to humour you. Tell me my sign."

"H... how did you know my name? You been spyin' on me or somethin'?"

"Purple, eh? I always thought there was somethin' funny about ye..."

"And what's
that supposed to mean, dwarf?"

"You humans ha' no sense o' humour. Anyway, gypsy, do my sign next!"

"Magnus's sign is Blue Ogram."

"Ooh! Ooh! Do me next!"

"Jostiband's sign is Orange Oolak."

"What an amusing little diversion. Very well; what's
my sign?"

"Mattybee's sign is White Dilithium."

"What about me? If everyone else is gettin' their sign read, I wanna know mine."

"Sylphosaurus's sign is Red Thorac."

"This seems like an absurd superstition... but I suppose there's no harm in it. What's my sign?"

"Preacher's sign is Purple Sagran."

"The same as Tarquinn? I share a sign with that thug?"

"Who are you callin' a thug? I put my neck on the line to protect you and this is the thanks I get?"

"Peace, Tarquinn, peace. I spoke rashly, and you have my apologies. Shall we see if any of these other circles of trees holds anything of interest?"


"Well, that wasn't so bad. Is everyone still alive?"

"I'm a little shook up, but I'm okay. Who dug that damn pit?"

"Let's show them what they get for tryin' to trap us! Attack!"
Even in the party's wounded state, they had little difficulty dispatching the sprites. They rested to recover from their injuries before searching the area for treasure.

"I can hear somethin' heavy shiftin' inside when I lift the corner. Those sprites musta looted a lotta bodies from their trap before we found 'em."

"Careful, Sylphosaurus. There's a magical item in there, but I sense a trap as well."

"C'mon, have a little faith, would ye? Have I ever failed ye before?"

"Hey, whazzat noise? I don't see any snakes around. An' why do I feel so tired? ... uh-oh."

TPK Count: 2
As we just saw, opening Iron Chests at low level is a poor idea unless you're certain they're not trapped. What new and exciting way will the party find to get themselves killed next time? Tune in tomorrow on Let's Play Might and Magic to find out!