The Let's Play Archive

Monkey Island (Series)

by Rocket Baby Dolls

Part 34

The Curse Of Monkey Island (Episode 14 - Cursed No More)

The final video of Curse, the remainder of part five and the whole of part six including credits.

It's been a great trip down memory lane and I'm glad I've been able to share it with you all. I thought I'd have more bonus content to show off, I read about an alternate way to escape the quicksand but when attempting it I couldn't find the information again. Plus I read about a portrait in the barbershop whilst Van Helgen was jamming on the banjo and it wasn't there when I returned. But anyway here is the missing content video:

Offering Murray his arm back in part one.
Offering Murray his sword back in part one.
The lighter produced in the Van Helgen duel.
The donkey mask in the theatre.
A closer examination of the lots-of-stuff after being swallowed by the snake.
A complete reading of Blondebeard's menu.
Offering Murray his arm back in the swamp, plus with an addition to it.
Giving Murray something else in the swamp.
Engaging in some voodoo.
Alternate sound effects during insult sword fighting (The save file seemed to bring about some lag)

I'll be back on Monday with the start of Escape!