Part 22: Now Sing the Pretty Ducken Song!
Part 22
That stupid duck

[Current Mood|

[Current Music|David Bowie - The Magniflerous Return of Ziggy Stardust]
The first thing I did upon returning home was sell every last bit of disc chips Rash picked up during our volcano adventure.

I'm rich! I'm gonna buy a million ninja stars on ebay! And we'll get Rash to do some laps in the meantime.

Oh no.

It was. It really really was.

Juts train the friggin' monster.

That was some powerful lensflare right there. How did he learn to do that.

Joy? Oh... Oh crap, right.

Maybe I can have Rash kill Joy and make it look like an accident. To the shooting range!

Damn that toucan straight to the fiery depths of hell!

If it's Rash's birthday again, I'm going to give you a black eye.

What's a "Fun Can"?

Five minutes later...

Well open it up already!

You can't read?

Oh fine. Let's see... "Ducken assembly kit". There's a picture of the finished product on the other side.

That is the most ass-ugly toy I've ever had the misfortune of seeing in my life.

You're gonna what?

Good lord, that monster will eat anything.

Are you high? The Fun Can was the biggest waste of time and money since your singing classes.

You should have thought of that before feeding it to Rash. Speaking of which, let's see what else it'll eat.

Make a note, Colt. Rash can't eat speeding boulders.

Hmm... I don't know. This seems like the kind of thing I'll have to deliberate on.

Shush! And yes. I'll be right back.