Part 25: Tactical Espionage Ranching
Part 25
We got limbless Rambo

[Current Mood|

[Current Music|Terry's Mandolin Exposition - Breakin' The Law]
Well, I got a new monster. He's an odd one, that's for sure. But I'll get to that soon. First, we visited the monster shrine.

HEY! I didn't kill Rash. I neglected it. There's a world of difference.

Please be a giant walking nuclear tank. Please be a giant walking nuclear tank. PLEASE be a giant walking nuclear tank.


FUCK is that thing supposed to be?

Well, he looks like a giant turd, so...

Thank you, I try. I really do. I even have a little notepad full of names for situations like these.

Once he settled into his new home, Solid Waste sprouted arms and proceeded to do 100 reps of push-ups. At least he seems disciplined. While Solid was busy training himself, I looked over the papers Chaille gave me.

He seems pretty strong, to say the least. But there's something I just don't trust about this little fellow.

I think it's the fact that he never stops undulating. It's unsettling, yet hypnotic.

I'm going to go back to watching Solid throb for a few hours. You guys decide what I should train him up with in the meantime.