Part 33: Secret Plots
Part 33
Solid's big plan

[Current Mood|

[Current Music|Beastie Boys - Cow Tippin']
We will train up power this session. Power, power and more power.

And then? MORE POWER!

I want Solid to be so strong that he can punch the Earth out of its orbit.

Lord Baby Jesus in Heaven, if you see fit to strike me down before Colt can sing, I would be ever so grateful.

Damn you, Jesus! Damn you to hell!

In response, Solid crawled onto the target range, and began chucking rocks at Colt.

As an added bonus, he gained some skill in the process.

What's the holdup?

I don't care what he likes! He'll punch those until his hands bleed, then punch the blood until it stops coming out!

See? Progress! Let no one doubt my amazing breeding techniques.

Tell him to walk it off. No, better yet. Make him run it off. 50 laps!

And I think that's great!

I am the greatest monster trainer ever to have lived. I am Loongear.

Can't you see I'm busy gloating?

Well, let's take a look.

Charlie Brown would be proud. God, that is an ugly tree.

Sure, and I bet you'll blossom into a lovely young woman.

Shut up for a second. Look, Solid's doing something over there. Go check it out.

Because I'm bigger than you.

Oh, this is so great!
What? What is it? What did you find?

Oh, okay then. Let's get back to training Solid, then.

Wellll, what should I do with old Solid next? I can just train him balls-out, or I can linger around in C rank, fighting in all the tiny tournaments I can to get some cash flowing.