Part 40: Mountain Glue
Part 40
Mountains suck
[Current Mood|
[Current Music|Billy Idol - Don't You Forget About Me]
The people once again collaborate against me. We'll go with you, Pimpy.
But I swear to all things holy, if we don't get anything valuable out of this trip, I will feed you to the yetis.
Where do you even get clothes like that?
Out of what?
So is Solid. See him skinning rabbits alive over there?
He can smell your fear.
On that satisfying note, we began our trek through the mountains.
It's called a "tree".
Of course not; it's a tree.
But it's a tree. It's not like there's some labyrinth inside the trunk.
You have got to be kidding me.
WAIT! NO! God damn it.
I hate you so much.
Congratulations, Rovest. You've discovered glue.
You know, I've discovered a new species, too.
It's called a Snowbol. And he talks! What's that, Snowbol? You think we should tie up Rovest to a tree and leave him to the wolves?
Shh! What was that, Snowbol? We can use Colt as bait? Why that's a splendid idea!
Some acorns and a snowball do not equal success in my eyes.
I'm going to go have an aneurysm now. When I come back, I expect you both to be dead and my blog people to have given me good suggestions on what to do next.