Part 17: Training blitz
Today, we are going to train the fuck out of Megatron. First, I want to get his speed into triple digits, so he's off to the woods for a week.

During his camping trip, he would punch trees to make their fruit fall down. I have no idea how that makes him faster, but it does.

Rested up? Good. Now let's see if you can actually manage to pull a cart this time.

Jesus fucking Christ. What do they put in there, depleted uranium? Now sit in the box and think about how much of a failure you have become in your short life.

Don't be sorry, be carrying carts more than 3 inches. Now step to it!

I AM the great motivator.


Were you shaken a lot when you were a baby?

Well, we can't boost anything useful there yet, but maybe he'll learn a new skill. Let's go.

Relax, we have a new monster now.

Yeah. Meet Megatron.

I don't think he eats people yet. Anyway, we want you to work on his intelligence.

Holly, get me my gun.


He learned how to punch by swimming. Monster breeding makes absolutely no sense. Oh well, back to work.


Really? Let's see it.

Fine, whatever. Back to work.

Took you long enough! Now let's see if you can do two in a row.

Finally! Progress!

Hmmm... It certainly couldn't hurt. What do you guys think? Tournament or more training?