Part 22: Megatron learns a new dance

Fine, I guess I'll keep the bastard for a little while longer. But if he gets lost again, so help me god I will break him into little chunks of gravel myself.

It's been a while since he was sent to the mines. That might be why he's suddenly acting so uppity. Start digging, Megatron.

Why is he doing that?

Will he stop?

Make him pull carts, or something. Just get him out of here. That dance... it's as unsettling as it is hypnotic.

Reno? Why would there be hidden temples in Las Vegas' equivalent of Disney World?

Nevermind. So, we have the opportunity to dig up lost treasures in a hidden jungle or something?

Our choice. And by that, I mean I will leave it up to people on the internet. Should Megatron go tomb raiding?