Part 23: Exploring Reno
All right, Santa. We'll go to the jungle with you.

God damn it.

Where the hell did you get that pith helmet from?

Where did those other guys go?

I hate both of you so very much.

In the middle of the desert.

No shit? I never imagined a frozen wasteland and a desert wasteland would be so different.

You're a brilliant scholar, Karn. I'm so glad you dragged us out here, where nobody will be able to find your body.

I said we should start exploring right away!

I decided the best way to dig through these delicate ruins was to let my giant stone humanoid wander aimlessly around until we find something interesting.

And it worked!

Well then, let's send Megatron in to do some grave robbing!

Jackpot! Okay Megatron, go find us some more dig sites.

Let me get this straight. These ancient desert ruins have office buildings.

And said offices have something to do with monsters, but you don't know what.

Sounds plausible to me. Let's get to looting.

It's another disc fragment. Is that really all you could find in the office? I mean, I'd settle for some pens or a desk chair or something.

And you know this how?

Good enough. So all we have to do is climb over this pillar and

Oh god, this again. Whatever. It's hot, I'm tired, and I just don't care enough to argue. Megatron, smash.

You are so worthless, I think I might cry.

Why are you looking at Karn like that, Norman?

I kind of blacked out towards the end of our expedition. Holly doesn't want to talk about it. On the plus side, I got two CD fragments and this slightly stained pith helmet. Well! I suppose we should figure out what to make Megatron do next, shouldn't we?