Part 3: Dirty's first job

He lost a little strength, but everything else went up and I like it when numbers go up.

Next he wanted to rest. I decided to be nice this time and let him. After that, he's off to deliver the mail.

Who has the monster license here, you or me?

But nothing! You're paid to follow my orders, not question them.

Nevermind that, just get Dirt to the post office.

This is why you don't question my orders, woman. He lost some defense, but the only one here who needs to learn how to take a punch is Holly. All right, next we'll send him off to the mines.

He just took a nap 2 weeks ago! He'll go to the mines and like it!

Don't you make that face at me.


I have the option of making Holly beat up the giant canine monster for failing to follow my orders. But I don't know. I've read so many things on the internet about beating vs not beating your kids, and this is almost the same thing. So what should I do, guys?
Also, I think I might need help deciding what to make him do next month, job-wise.