Part 36: Holly and Megatron load up on taffy

That's all you could get? 8 pieces of taffy?

Aheh heh... I warned you not to mention my name. Anyway, let's stuff Megatron full of taffy.

You're getting a little too excited over some candy.

HEY! STOP HUMPING THE CART! God damn it. Holly get me a hose. Once he's either calmed down or... finished... Make him chop some posts.

God bless that taffy for letting me work him non-stop. Hey Megatron! You like carts so much, then you can start pulling them. And if I catch you trying to fuck one, you'll spend a month in The Box.

What? You think 700 is overkill?

Oh fine. We'll go shoot things, then. I still have a bloodlust going on after our last run-in with Santa.

Really, now? Hmm... You know, I totally forgot about it up until now, but I did vow revenge on that horrible pink suezo. He's probably just sitting there in one of those lesser rank fights, killing hapless golems with his stupid mind beams.

True, but he's already the most famous monster on Earth. I don't think we need to worry too much about his rep. But you sort of have a point on the A rank thing.

I just can't decide. Should we go back for revenge, or press forward to crush yet another rank?