Part 46: We build up Galvatron's intelligence and speed.

Oh, I think we all know the answer to this...

HELL. FUCKING. YES. Holly, we are sending him to battle RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Why must you always have to kill my buzz? Fine. We'll send him into the desert. We have that coupon, anyway.

Are you even old enough to be saying that?

The depressing thing is that you really mean it.

It's times like this that I'm glad she's still young and a little naïve. The last thing I want is a bestiality charge to hit my ranch... Unless it was a pixie...Hmmm...

Oh. Right. The training thing.

Are you satisfied now, Holly?

...This is my fault for phrasing the question like that. But enough sex! It is time for violence!

It's not just Galvatron's well-polished crotch that has grown. He is gonna make fat doggy stew.

Cyclone is the greatest thing known to man. I mean that. I truly do.

Can you guess what happened to the bug?

I'll give you a hint: He didn't not get crushed to death by a giant tornado of living rocks.

Aahahahahahaha oh god someone got another grapefruit golem. This is going to be great.

If you guessed that Galvatron made some grapefruit juice with his cyclone of death...

You'd be wrong! He dodged that. He did not, however, dodge Galvatron's finger as he poked holes in the golem's fruity body and drank the juice that gushed out. Some of it splashed in poor Holly's eyes.

And then the bees came.

Galvatron, uh, really likes bees.

Mo' money! Mo' money! Mo' money!

You're right! I'll treat you all to dinner at-GRAPEFFRUIT IN THE EYES!

Hahahaha! Ah, good times.

But Holly was right on one thing, we must do something. If not to celebrate, then to kill some time.

There's a wide variety of jobs I can force Galvatron to do while I wait for my cash flow to build up...

Or, I could just have him punch his way through C Rank like it was a giant grapefruit.



...Good times...