Part 47: If I ever use Eye of the Tiger in another LP, you have permission to punch me in the stomach.
Cool, I've never seen anyone starve to death before. Hey Holly, looks like you're going to have another death on your conscience!Blister posted:
I'm going on a hunger strike until Norman gives Holly the respect she deserves for raising these awesome animals.

No time to talk, we have a monster to train! We will take Galvatron to the mighty woods of the pacific northwest, and not come back until he has left it bare.

Yeah ok that's good enough.

I realized how much I loathe nature. All these animals just make me angry to be alive. And so, I want Galvatron to start punching things. He will punch, and punch, and punch until nothing's left standing.
Also, I think we need another vintage training montage.

You made me do a poorly-planned Rocky parody for NOTHING! You, young monster, are going to visit The Box.

Nah, I was just using it to make moonshine in. Just hose it off before you put him in there.

BOX! I will not have him turn into a fuckin' pansy.

Is he a man yet?

What was that?

Well alright, then.

Or... I could give him your taffy.

And I wish Galvatron was logging. Guess who's wish is going to come true? I'll give you a hint: It's not yours.

It's good to know I'm getting the respect I deserve.

Well, internet? Do I?