Part 49: Phanto is born
So, Holly. What did the internet decide on?

Awesome. Let's get to it.

Yo! Frankenstein! Make me a new monster, and if it's another golem I will feed you to it.

To the right are all the possible monsters that will come from merging Galvatron and Megatron. I'm no geneticist, but apparently even the slightest bit of monster DNA can result in creating a totally new monster when fused together.

Tell it to my new monster. Maestro, if you please...

Hooray! It's a big block of ice.

At last, I have an awesome monster! A floating cape and mask made out of solid stone.

Oh, screw you. He is awesome and I will hear no badmouthing of him.

I think I will dub him... Phanto. No one shall take keys under his watch.

Good question! And I think we know who has the answer.