Part 6: Checking out the trainers

Holly! There's a retard at the door! Go take care of him.


It's not a bomb?

Do they actually call it "level up" or is that all you?

Speak for yourself. I didn't even know what a breeder was a couple of months ago. Speaking of hard work, we've got a monster to whip into shape.

First, a nap to get his energy back after the tournament. Then, it's back to the mines with him.


YES! He must be taught a lesson.

And that's why you're not going to hit him. I realized that he's too stupid to feel pain, so I built a method to hurt him psychologically: The Box.

Probably not, or else you'd be legally obligated to report it.

Success! The Box works! Now go pull some shopping carts.

Attaboy. Maybe you'll be able to pull your weight in the mines, too.

Eh. Fine, I guess.

Oh my god we've traveled to the '70s

Seriously, he looks like one of The Carpenters.

Okay, so what do we get for sending him here? Besides your lovely mutton chops.

Jesus H. Christ, $2000?! The fleabag's only earned me half that so far. I guess it's something to consider later on.

Incidentally, here are his current stats. I think we're going to need to spend a few months working him up. So what kind of jobs would you guys like to see him try?