Part 77: Cokin' up the Official B Cup
Alright, I guess we'll start off by training Frankie's--

What happened to "Take good care of Francis or I'll beat you to death with your favorite crowbar"?

And so, under threat of crowbarring, we take Francis to the B Cup.

Frank's first opponent was some red blob named... Uh... what's his name, Holly?

Right. What she said.

Frankie gunned that blob guy down right proper. He's going to need a lot of bandages to soak up the leaks he made.

That's it, you're sitting in the car.


Apparently, Megatron had a big family. This was his twice-removed step sister.

At least, I think she was a sister. Either way, she has a huge hole in her crotch now.

Next up was a downs-riddled anime.

She somehow managed to beat Francis down with her mighty retard strength. It was at this point that I decided to give Frank a little pick-me-up.

And with that, he was ready to take on his next opponent.

Oh yeah, I think my little power-up did the trick.

You know that scene in Gremlins 2 where that one gremlin drank that genetic plant thing and became a living garden? I think someone did that to this suezo.

Using the power of powdered rock n'roll, Francis played a riff so sweet that it made the plant thing wither and die.

And so that left us fighting yet another god-forsaken bug.

Francis sang forbidden songs using sounds so chaotic and evil that no human ear can detect it.

At least, that was what I told the little girl who was sitting beside me before I bit the head off of her doll.

Next was some rabbit. Francis mocked the bunny by doing little hops around the ring.

...Until he gunned the mother fucker down.

Before I was thrown out, I managed to force the little girl to watch the hare die while screaming "THIS IS THE EASTER BUNNY! HE IS BEING KILLED AND IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!". I decided to let Holly go watch the rest of the tournament for me while I waited in the car.