Part 80: Clay dolls and Android Hell
Alright, Santa! We'll go! Stop stalking me!

One trek through the desert later...

Fucking metal. Francis, write a song about that right now.

That is not what I asked you to do.

Really? Why don't you read the monster's name?

Read it slower.

Oh fine. Let's get digging.

Crap. Toss it.

Toss it.

More junk! Where the fuck are the Henger arms?!

Oh. Well, that was easy.

And then we can feed it your flesh.

I said we'd better get training!

Yes, yes. Your family will be returned to you in the morning.


But what if I want to build up his-

Ow! My nose! Fine. We'll just make him work in the meantime.

And of course, no day is complete without a little mining.

Shit! I forgot again! Run for the hills, Frank!

Oh hey, no time to answer that! We have an invitational to wreck.

The stadium was packed. Everyone sat in awe of the opponents. My masked master of metal on one end...

And a killer robot on the other.

I really don't think I've pumped his intelligence enough.

I think I broke something, because his willpower rose really fucking fast. I'd swear I was cheating if I didn't know I wasn't.

Even without that, the match was over before it started. No robot can withstand Frankie's mind bombs.

That's right. And guess who's going to put them together?

Nope! All you, girl. And if you break anything I will bash your skull in with the remaining parts.

Focus on the task at hand. Re-assemble a killer robot from ancient spare parts, and be quick about it.

Why is it so small?

We have to go back there again?

Well, I guess that'll be for another day. Maybe. In the meantime, we need to decide what kind of training to give Francis before the next official tournament.